Achart Bookshop
The Kid from Simcoe Street
By Jim Clarke
Deprived of a father left for war, living in poverty, Jim Clarke survives dysfunctional family beset by alcoholism and overcomes adversity to become a high court judge, author and poet. Published by Exile Editions, this is a highly- recommended read.
Price: $22.95
Army Childhood
by Clare Gibson
Clare Gibson, operating The Army Children Archive website at www.archhistory.co.uk, is the conscience of barrack rats everywhere. Her Army Childhood, published by Shire Library, is a must read by anyone who ever followed the drum.
Price: £6.00
Lay Gently on the Coals
by Art Cockerill
[AESOP Modern Fiction]
Lay Gently on the Coals is a vibrant and refreshingly mocking saga of the trials and troubles of a family at war, set in the heart of England on the eve of the Second World War.
Price: $25.00 US including handling and shipping by surface mail
A New History of the Royal Hibernian Military School
by Howard R. Clark
This book deserves a place in any library or military collection and will be welcomed as a source of genealogical reference to more than an estimated 2 million descendents of the Hibernian School students.
Price £26 ($45.00 US) including handling and shipping by surface mail.
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Sons of the Brave
by A.W. Cockerill
Published in 1984, this is the story of boy soldiers. There were well over a quarter of a million ex-boy soldiers scattered around the world and many of them are still in uniform.
Price £50 ($85.00 US) including handling and shipping by surface mail.
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Military Temperance Medals
by David A. Harris
This well-illustrated book traces the history of the RATA from its shaky beginning in 1823. It is magnificently illustrated with an excellent array of medals issued to members.
Price £50 ($85.00 US) including handling and shipping by surface mail.
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RHMS Postcards of the Military Schools
by Peter J. Goble
[Artistics Military Series]
Price £10.50 ($17.50 US) each package of six PCs in any combination requested. The price includes handling and airmail postage. Full Details
Emma on Albert Street
by A.W. Cockerill [Black Cat Press]
These stories and verses for children age 5 to 10 are a charming mixture of fantasy, fiction and fact.
Price £15 ($25.00 US) including handling and shipping by surface mail.
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Kitchen Ventilation Systems
by Thomas W. Carter [Delta Tech Systems]
Describes all one needs to know about kitchen ventilation systems. It is a must for anyone who deals with commercial kitchen technology.
Price £50 ($80.00 US) including handling and shipping by surface mail.
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The Charity of Mars
by A.W. Cockerill
Price £15 ($25.00 US) including handling and shipping by surface mail.
A vigorous history that tells the story of the Army’s creation of a second military school, based on the working of the Royal Hibernian Military School, Phoenix Park, Dublin.
Winning the Radar War
by Jack Nissen with A.W. Cockerill
Price £30 ($50.00 US) including handling and shipping by surface mail.
This Radar War book is a suspense-filled account of the experiments, electronic eaves-dropping, and exploits of those engaged in developing the new science.
All books available on-line using secure PayPal services. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club and PayPal accepted. Click the image or "Full Details" for ordering information.
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