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The Charter |
EDITORIAL NOTE The earliest Regulations for the Royal Hibernian Military School are dated 1819. Beginning with the Charter, the regulations are here reproduced with the same typefaces and typographical conventions as in the original document. These include the title page typeset by J. Findlay of 46, Arran-Quay, Dublin, Printer to the Society. The spelling convention of the period is maintained. That is, the use of the long S, which readers will recognize as a modern f without the cross stroke of a contemporary f. The Charter will be of limited interest only to the general reader, but of considerable value to historians concerned with the early nineteenth century history of Ireland. That is, principally because of the lengthy list of names of persons named in the Charter. The original Charter, issued in the forty-eight year of the reign of King George the Third, is followed by a second Charter recorded as being granted, 1818. As stated, the present charter replaces the original charter granted to the Hibernian Society on the fourteenth Day of July, in the ninth Year of the reign of King George the Third. |
GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and foforth. To all unto whom thefe Prefents fhall come, Greeting: WHEREAS, by our Letters Patent, enrolled in our High Court of Chancery of Ireland, the fourteenth Day of July, in the ninth Year of our Reign, WE did grant, ordain, conftitute and appoint George Vifcount Townfend our Lieutenant General and General Governor of our Kingdom of Ireland, and our Chieft Governor or Governors of our faid Kingdom for the Time being, and the feveral other Officers and Perfons in the faid Letters Patent particularly mentioned, and their Succeffors for ever, to be ONE BODY POLITIC AND COPORATE in deed and in Name by the Name of the HIBERNIAN SOCIETY in Dublin, for maintaining, educating and apprenticing the Orphans and Children of Soldiers in Ireland for ever, and by the fame Name to have perpetual Succeffion. AND WHEREAS it has been reprefented unto Us, that the Ends and Purpofes for which the faid Letters Patent were granted, may be more efffectually promoted, and our Military Service in that Part of our faid United Kingdom called Ireland, more effentially and permanently benefited if WE fhould be pleafed to grant new Letters Patent with further and other Qualifications to the Effect herein after mentioned to the faid Hibernian Society, and the faid Corporation having befought us to grant unto them new Letters Patent to the Effect and with the Powers and Qualifications herein after mentioned, WE are gracioufly pleafed to condefcend thereto, KNOW YE therefore, that WE of our fpecial Grace, certain Knowledge and mere Motion, by and with the Advice and Confent of our right trufty and right entirely beloved Cousin and Counfellor Charles Duke of Richmond, our Lieutenant General and General Governor of the Part of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, called Ireland, HAVE made, ordained, authorifed, conftituted and apppointed, and by thefe Prefents for Us, our Heirs and Succeffors, WE DO make, ordain, authorize, conftitute and appoint our Right Trufty and Right entirely beloved Coufin and Counfellor Charles Duke of Richmond our Lieutenant General and General Governer of Ireland, and other our Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the time being, our moft dearly beloved Son George Prince of Wales, our moft dearly beloved Son Field Marfhal Frederic Duke of York and Albany, Commander in Chief of all our Forces in our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The moft Reverend Father in God our Right Trufty and Right well beloved Counfellor William Lord Archishop of Armagh, Primate of all Ireland. The moft Reverend Father in God, our Right Trufty and Right entirely beloved Counfellor Charles Lord Archbifhop of Dublin, Primate of Ireland; and the Archbifhops of Armagh and Dublin refpectively for the Time being. Out Right Trufty and well beloved Counfellor Thomas Lord Manners our Chancellor of Ireland; and the Chancellor of Ireland for the Time being. Our right Trufty and well beloved Counfellor William Downes, Chieft Juftice of our Court of King~s Bench in Ireland. Our Right Trufty and well beloved Counfellor John Baron Norbury, Chief Juftice of our Court of Common Pleas in Ireland. Our Right Trufty and well beloved Counfellor Standifh O~Grady, Chief Baron of our Court of Exhequer in Ireland; and the Chief Juftices of our faid Courts of King~s Bench and Common Pleas; and the Chief Baron of our faid Exchequer refpectively for the time being. Our right trufty and well beloved the Lord Mayor of our City of Dublin. The Chief Secretary of our Lieutenant General or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland. Our Attorney and Solicitor General in Ireland. Our firft Serjeant and Law. The Commander of our Forces, or in his abfence the General commanding the troops in Ireland. The Adjutant General. The Quarter Mafter General. The Dean of Saint Patrick~s Dublin. The Reverence Archeacon of Dublin. The Under Secretary of the War Department. The Secretary of the Commander of the Forces. The Judge Advocate General. The Officer at the Head of the Barrack Department. The Director General of Military Hofpitals. The Commiffary General. The Deputy Adjutant General. The Deputy Quarter Mafter General. The General Officers on the Staff of Ireland. The Deputy Infpector General of Recruits. The Field Officers of the refpective Regiments doing Duty in the Garrifon of the City of Dublin. The Recorder of the City of Dublin, all for the time being. Our Right Trufty and well beloved Cousin and Counfellor George Marquis of Buckingham. Out Right Trufty and well beloved Cousin and Counfellor John Marquis of Sligo. Our Right Trufty and Right well beloved Coufin Richard Earl of Shannon. Out Right Trufty and well beloved Coufffin Thomas Vifcount Cremorne. Out Right Trufty and well beloved John Lord De Blackquiere. The Right Rev. Father in God, our Right Trufty and well beloved Counfellor William Lord Bifhop of Derry. Our Right Trufty and well beloved Counfellow Thomas Lord Bolton. The Right Honorable David Latouche, Sir Charles Burton, Bart. General Charles Vallancy, Dean Blundell, Singleton Harpur, Clerk. Major Edward Cane. Major George Vallancy. Reverend Doctor H. L. Walfh. Major George Nicolls. Major General Faucett. George Steuart, Efquire. Charles William Quin, Efquire. Major General Pratt. Archeacon Burrowes. Captain Jofeph Atkinson. Reverend Thomas Craddock. Col. Wright. Major Faviere. Luke White, Efq. Colonel J.D.Arabin. General Peter Craig. The Honorable Thomas Packenham. The Right Honorable Wiiliam Elliot. George Ball, Efq. Patrick Duignan, Efq L. L. D. Reverent John Luster. Brigadier General Brownrigg. John Grant, Clerk. Major Sirr. Major Sandys. Major Gen. Dunn. Major Dunn. Thomas Jones, Esquire. Right Honorable Charles Abbott. Major Swan. Alexander Marfden, Efq. Major Stewart. Reverend Doctor O~Connor. James Henthorn, Efq. Edward Haughton, Efquire. Doctor William Brook. William Farren, Efq. Colonel Charles Handfield. Colonel Benjamin Fifher. William O~Connor, Clear. Major General Manly. Major Alexander Taylor. William Johnfon, Efq. Robert Slade, Efquire. Our Right Trufty and well beloved Hely Lord Hutchinfon. Robert King, Clerk. Colonel Gore. Rev. Mr. Littlehales. Major Ormsby. Captain Richardfon. Captain Woodward. Colonel Talbot. Colonel Clinton. Brigadier-General Freeman. Colonel Anftruther. Goerge Renny, Efq. M. D. Major Shortall. Captain Gorges. Sir John Carden, Bart. Alderman King. The Honorable Baron Smith. The Bifhop of Limerick. John Egan, Efq. Samual Burrowes, Efq. Admiral Bowen. Jofeph Jamefon, Efq. Edward C. Browne. G. D. Yates, Efq. M. D. Alexander Jackfon, Efq. M. D. and fuch others only as fhall from Time to Time be added to the Number of the faid Perfons by Us, or by the fpecial Appointment of the Lord Lieutenant, or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the Time being, any thing in our former Letters Patent to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding, to be on Body Politick and Corporate in Deed and in Name, by the Name of The Hibernian Society in Dublin for maintaining, educating and apprenticing, or placing in our Regular Army as Private Soldiers in fuch Corps as, from Time to Time, we fhall pleafe to appoint, The Ophands and Children of Soldiers in Ireland for ever, and by the fame Name to fue and to be fued, plead and to be pleaded, anfwer and be anfwered unto, defend and be deffended in all the Courts and Places whatfoever, of Us, our Heirs and Succeffors in all Suits, Plaints, and Demands whatfoever, in the Fame Manner and Form, and as amply as any of our Subject Bodies Politick or Corporate in Ireland may or can do. And further, we do hereby declare and grant that they and their Succeffors may have and ufe fuch Common Seal as they fhall think proper; and that it may be lawful for them and their Succeffors to change, break, alter, and make new the fame, as the fhall think fit. And further, We do hereby declare and grant, that it may be lawful for them and their Succeffors by that Name to purchafe, have, take, receive, and enjoy to them and their Succeffors in Fee and in Perpetuity, and Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Annuities, Penfions, Tythes, and other Hereditaments in Ireland, not exceeding in the whole the clear yearly value of two thoufand Pounds, and to take and receive any Sum or Sums of Money, or any Manner or Portion of Goods or Chattles that fhall to them be given, granted, devifed, or bequeathed by any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, capable of making a Gift or Devife thereof, and therewith and thereout, to erect, maintain, and fupport in all Places in Ireland where they fhall judge the fame to be moft neceffary and convenient, fuch and fo many Hofpitals as they fhall think proper. And we do hereby direct, That the faid Body Corporate fhall have a General Meeting of the Members thereof quarterly at fuch Place or Places as they fhall think proper, the firft Monday in May, Auguft, November, and February, yearly in all Times coming, and oftener, when and where the faid Body Corporate fhall think meet; and any Seven of the Members of the faid Body who fhall convene or affemble at the faid Times and Places to be a Quorum of the faid General Meeting, and be able and capable to do and tranfact all Matters and Things relating to the Affairs of the faid Corporation. And further, We do hereby direct that the Firft General Meeting of the faid Body Coporate, fhall be on the Firft of the faid Quarterly Days that fhall be thirty Days after the Date of thefe our Letters Patent. And our further Will and Pleafure is, and we do hereby declare and grant, that our Lieutenant General, and General-Governor of Ireland for the Time being, fhall be always the Prefident; and the Commander of the Forces, or, in his Abfence, the Genral Officer commanding the troops of Ireland, fhall be always the Vice-Prefident of our faid Society, any thing in our former Letters Patent to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. And we do hereby empower, authorife, and require the faid Body Corporate when they fhall be affembled to elect by Plurality of Voices, fuch other Officers as they fhall find needful, to continue till the Firft Monday in November next thereafter, and until other fhall be chofen to fucceed them. And we do hereby empower, authorife, and require the faid Prefident and Vice-Prefient; or in the abfence of the faid Prefient or Vice Prefident, any two Members of the faid Corproate Body, to adminifter an Oath or Oaths to the faid Officers which they fhall be thereby required to take for the due and faithful execution of the refpective Offices. And we do hereby further empower, authorife, and require the faid Corporation upon the firft Monday in November, in all Times coming, or in cafe of any Emergency, preventing their Meeting on that Day, then, at the next Quarterly Meeting thereafter, to make a new Election of Perfons to ferve in the faid Officers, or to continue the former Officers, as they fhall think moft convenient. And we do hereby empower, authorife and require the faid Body Corporate at their firft General Meeting, to nominate and appoint Fifteen of the faid Body to be a Committee, to meet in Dublin the Firft Tuefday in every Month, or oftener, as Need fhall require, in fuch Place of Places as fhall be agreed on by the faid Corporation, which Committee are to be authorifed and empowered to carry into Execution such Orders, Rules, and Directions, as fhall from Time to Time be made by the faid Corporation, and which Committee fhall continue till the Firft Monday in November next following the firft General Meeting, at which Time, and afterwards on every Firft Monday in November, yearly, the faid Corporation fhall nominate Fifteen of their Members to be a Committee for One Year, for the Purpofes aforefaid. And our further Will and Pleafure is, And we do hereby empower, authorife, and required the faid Corporation at their General Meetings, to nominate and appoint Leffer Committees, in all Places where any Hofpitals fhall hereafter be erected for the Purpofes expreffed in the faid Letters Patent; which Leffer Committees fhall be appointed at fuch Times and Places, and continue for fuch Time or Times as the faid Corporatino fhall think proper. And we hereby further empower, authorife, and require the faid Corporation, at their General Meetings, to nominate and appoint fit Perfons in any Place of our Dominions, or elfewhere, to receive Subfcriptions, Money, or other Things, contributed to the faid Inftitution. And we hereby empower and authorife the faid Committee of Fifteen in the City of Dublin, and the Leffer Committees, in all Places where Hofpitals for the Purpofes aforefaid fhall hereafter be erected, to nominate and appoint Chaplains for their refpective hofpitals; and alfo fit and able Perfons to be School Mafters of the said hofpitals, during the Will of the faid Corporation, to teach the Orphans and other unfortunate Children of Soldiers in the faid Hofpitals, to read, efpecially the Holy Scriptures, and to inftruct them in the Principles of the Proteftent Religion eftablifhed in Ireland, and in Arithmetic, and fuch others Parts of Education as to the faid Society fhall feem meet; fuch Chaplains and School Mafters, neverthelefs to be licenced by the Ordinaries in Ireland, in their refpective Diocefes, and to be apporved by the faid Corporate Body, otherwife fuch Nomination or Appointment by the faid Committee, to be void. And our further Will and Pleafure is, and we do hereby direct, that the Treafurer, and other Officers, fhall be accountable to the Committee of Fifteen, at all Times when required by the faid Committee; and the faid Committee are hereby required to report annually, at fuch Times as the faid Corporation fhall think proper, to the faid Corporate Body, the State of the Funds of the faid Corporation, the Receipts and Difburfements of the Year, in Order that they may be examined, and entered in a Book to be kept for that Purpofe: the faid Book, and all other the Books and Papers of the faid Corporation, to be at all Times open and free for the perufal of the feveral Members thereof. And our further Will is, and we do hereby empower, authorize, and required the faid Corporation at their Quarterly Meetings, in all Times coming, and at no other Meetings, to make fuch Rules and Ordinances, and from Time to Time to alter the fame, as they fhall judge moft convenient and needful for the good Government of the faid Coprproation, and Management of the Affairs thereof, and the effectual Promotion of the good Ends intended thereby, and to give fuch Inftruction, Directions, Encouragements, and Salaries to thofe they employ, as they fhall judge needful and reafonable, provided that the faid Rules, Ordinance, Inftructions, and Directions, be not repugnant to the Laws and Statutes in force in Ireland, fuch Rules Ordinances, Inftructions, and Directions not to required any Confirmation or Approval by any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, any Thing in our former Letters Patent to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. And our further Will and Pleafure, is, And we do hereby empower and authorize the faid Corporate Body and their Succeffors, and the major Part of them, in a Geneal Affembly, to remove and difplace any of the Officers of the faid Corporation for any reafonable Caufe, the Prefident and Vice-Prefident only excepted, and to elect others in the Place or Places of the Perfon or Perfons fo removed. And that as often as it fhall happen that any of the Officers of the faid Corporation for the Time being, fhall die, or be removed for reafonable cuaafe as aforefaid, or that any Vacancy fhall occur of an Officer or Officers of the faid Corporation, it fhall and may be lawful for the Members of the faid Corporation, and they fhall be required within forty Days (ten Days Notice being given to choofe and elect into his or their Place or Places, fome other Perfon or Perfons of the faid Corporation, in the Manner herein before mentioned, to continue in his or their Office or Offices, €til the firft Monday or November next following his or their Election or Elections, and until fome other Perfon or Perfons fhall be elected into his or their Office or Offices. And our further Will and Pleafure is, and we do hereby direct, that in cafe the Prefident and Vice-Prefident fhall be abfent from any General Meeting, that the faid Corporation, or any Seven or more of them, fhall have Power to appoint one of the Members then prefent to prefide for fuch Time; and fuch Prefident, Vice-Prefident, or Chariman fhall have a cafting Voice, in cafe of any Equality of Votes; the faid Prefient, Vice-Prefident, or Chairman, at any of the faid General Meetings, fhall have Power to adminifter an Oath to any Perfon or Perfons for difcovering the Truth of any Matter of Thing offered or propofed to the faid Corporation. And our further Will and Pleafure is, And we do hereby direct that no Leafe of Leafes of any Lands or Tenements belonging to the faid Corporation fhall be made or executed, but at fome General Quarterly Meeting, with the Approbation of the Members then prefent, or the Majority of them, fuch Major part being at leaft Seven in Number: and that every Leafe so to be made fhall be of Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments in Poffeffion, and not in Reverfion, and for a Term not exceeding three Lives, or thirty-one Years, whereon fhall be referved to the beft yearly Rent that can be had for the faid Lands or Tenements at the time of making fuch Leafes refpectively, without any Fine, or other Income to be taken or had for the fame: And that it fhall not be lawful for the faid Body Corporate to diminfh their Capital Stock arifing from the Annual Rent or Income of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Annuties, penfions, Tythes, or other Hereditaments whereof they fhall at any Time be feized and poffeffed; but that they fhall confine their Expences yearly to fuch Annual Rent or Income, and to fuch Sum of Money, Goods and Chattels, as fhall from Year to Year be fubfcribed or given to them, or the Intereft or Profits thereof. And that no Child or Children fhall be received into any Hofpital now erected, or hereafter to be erected, unlefs a Certificate fhall firft be obtained from fome Commiffioned Officer, or other credible Perfon or Perfons, that fuch Child or Children is or are, to the beft of his Belief, that Child or Children of Non-commiffioned Officers of Soldiers of the Line in actual Service, or of Soldiers deceafed, or reduced, or removed to foreign Service; but that upon fuch Certificate, fuch Child or Children may be received and admitted, any Thing in our former Letters Patent to the contrary thereof in any wife notwhiftanding. And our further Will is, and we do hereby direct that in the Selection of Children, for Admiffion, preference in general shall be given:
And that the Parents or Friends applying for the Admiffion of Children fhall be required to fign their confent to fuch Children remaining in the faid Hibernian Society as long as the faid Governors thereof may think fit, and to their being difpofed of when of proper Age, at the Difcretion of the Governors, as Apprentices or Servants; or, if Boys, to their being placed with their own free Confent, in our regular Army, as Private Soldiers in fuch Corps as it may be our Royal Pleafure to appoint. And Lastly, Our Will and Pleafure is, And we do hereby declare and ordain, that thefe our Letters Patent, and every Claufe, Sentence, and Article therein contained, or the Inrollment thereof, fhall be in all Things firm, good, valid, fufficient, and effectual in the Law, unto the faid Corporation, according to the Purport and Tenor thereof, without any further Grant, Licenfe, or Toleration from Use, our Heirs or Succeffors, to be had, provided, or obtained. Provided always, That thefe our Letters Patent be inrolled in the Rolls of our High Court of Chancery, in that part of our faid United Kingdom called Ireland, with the Space of fix Months from the date hereof, otherwife thefe our Letters Patent, to be null, void, and of none effect, any Thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have caufed thefe our Letters to be made Patent, witnefs our aforefaid Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland at Dublin, the Sixth Day of February, in the Forty-eight Year of our Reign. WESTMEATH. Inrolled in the Office of the Rolls of His Majefty~s Hight Court of Chancery in Ireland, the Eighth Day of February, in the Forty-eighth Year of the Reign of King George the Third, and examined by RICHARD
Granted, 1818
GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and soforth. To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: WHEREAS, by our letters Patent, enrolled in our High Court of Chancery of Ireland, the fourteen Day of July, in the ninth Year of our Reign, WE did grant, ordain, constitute and appoint, George Viscount Townsend our Lieutenant General and General Governor of our Kingdom of Ireland, and our Chief Governor or Governors of our said Kingdom for the Time being, and the several other officers and Persons in the Letters Patent, particularly mentioned , and their Successors for ever, to be ONE BODY POLITIC AND CORPORATE in Deed and Name by the Name of "The HIBERNIAN SOCIETY" in Dublin, for maintaining, educating and Apprenticing the Orphans and Children of Soldiers in Ireland for ever, and by the same Name to have perpetual Succession. AND WHEREAS by our Letters Patent enrolled in our High Court of Chancery in Ireland, the Sixth Day of February in the Forty-eighth Year of our Reign, WE did grant, ordain, constitute and appoint our Right Trusty and Right well beloved Cousin and Counsllor Charles Duke of Richmond our Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland, and other our Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland for the time being, and the several other Officers and Person in the said Letters Patent, particularly mentioned, being the persons who then composed the said herein before-mentioned Corporation, and their Successors for ever, to be one Body Politic and Corporate, in deed and in Name, by the Name of :The Hibernian Society" in Dublin for maintaining, educating and Apprenticing, or placing in our Regular Army as private Soldiers, in such Corps as from time to time We shall please to appoint, the Orphans and Children of Soldiers in Ireland for ever, and by the same name, to have perpetual Succession. AND WHEREAS our said Letters Patent last mentioned were duly accepted by the said Corporation first here before-mentioned. AND WHEREAS it hath been represented unto us, that the ends and purposes for which the said Letters Patent were granted, may be more effectually promoted, and our Military Service in that part of our said United Kingdom called Ireland, more essentially and permanently benefited, if we should be please to grant to the said Corporation, new Letters Patent with further and other clauses and powers to the effect herein after mentioned: And the said Corporation having besought us to grant unto them new Letters Patent, to the effect, and with the powers and clauses herein after mentioned, We are Graciously pleased to condescend thereto. KNOW YE THEREFORE that we of our special Grace, certain knowledge and mere motion, by and with the advice and consent of our Right Trusty and Right well beloved Cousin and Counsellor, CHARLES CHETWYND EARL TALBOT our Lieutenant General and General Governor of that part of our united Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, called Ireland, DO hereby dive and grant unto the said Society and Corporatin0o and their Successors for ever, that they shall be and be deemed and taken to be, And we do for Us, our Heirs and Successors, hereby ordain constitute and apoint the said Society and Corporation and their successors to be henceforth one Body politic and Corporate in deed and in name, by the name of "The HIBERNIAN SOCIETY" for the of Soldiers Children, and by no other name whatsoever, and by the said name to sue and be sued, plead and be pleaded, to answer and be answered, to Defend and be Defended in all Courts and in all Suits, Plaints and Demeanors whatsoever, any thing in any of our said Letters Patent aforesaid to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. AND we do hereby ordain direct and provide that the said name shall from henceforth stand and be in the place and stead of the name so given as aforesaid, in and by our said Letters Patent last recited; And that all and every the Clauses, matters and things, in our said Letters Patent contained shall be applicable and applied to the said Corporation, by their said name of The Hibernian Society, for the care of Soldiers Children, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes, as if the said name and no other had been given to them, in and by the said Letters Patent. And we do by these Presents for Us our Heirs and Successors hereby confirm the said Letters Patent, in all other respects, save as far as the same, or any of the Premises thereof, is or are herein after expressly altered. AND WHEREAS we did by our by our said Letters Patent last mentioned, Empower, Authorise and require the said Body corporate, at their first General Meeting to nominate and appoint fifteen of the said Body to be a Committee to meet in Dublin the first Tuesday in every Month, or oftener as need should require, in such place or places as should be agreed on by the said Corporation, which Committee were to be authorised and empowered to carry into execution, such orders, rules and directions as should from time to time be made by the said Corporation, and which Committee should continue until the first Monday in November next following the first general meeting, at which time and afterwards on every first Monday in November yearly, the said Corporation should nominate fifteen of their Members to be a Committee for one Year, for the purposes aforesaid. AND we did by our said Letters Patent, further empower, authorise and required the said Corporation, at their general meetings, to nominate and appoint Lesser Committees in all place where any Hospitals should thereafter be Erected, for the purposes expressed in the said Letters Patent, which Lesser Committees were to be appointed at such times and places, and continue for such time or times as the said Corporation should think proper. Our further Will and Pleasure is, and we do hereby further Empower, Authorise, direct and required the said Corporation, that whenever a vacancy shall take place in the said Committee of fifteen, or in any of the said Lesser Committees, by Death, Resignation, or Otherwise, howsoever, then in every such Case, the President of Vice President of the said Corporation, shall and do, within Ten Days after such Vacancy shall be notified or known to him, Summon a Meeting of the said Corporation, to elect one of their Body, to supply such Vacancy, and become and be a Member of such Committee, respectively from thence in like manner, and for the same period, as the Person whose place shall be so filled, would have been, if such Vacancy had not taken place. AND WHEREAS we did by our said last herein before-mentioned Letters Patent authorise and Empower the said Committee of Fifteen in the said City of Dublin, and the Lesser Committees in all places where Hospitals for the purposes aforesaid, should thereafter be erected, to nominate and appoint Chaplains for their respective Hospitals, and also fit and able Persons to be School Masters of the said Hospitals, during the will of the said Corporation, to teach the Orphans and other unfortunate Children of Soldiers in said Hospitals, to read especially the Holy Scriptures, and to instruct them in the Principles of the Protestant Religion, established in Ireland, and in Arithmetic, and such other Parts of Education as to the said Society shall seem meet; such Chaplains and School Masters nevertheless to be licenced by the Ordinaries in Ireland, in their respective Dioceses. WE do hereby further Authorise and Empower the said Committees respectively to nominate and appoint fit and able Artificers, to teach the Orphans, and other unfortunate Children of Soldiers in said Hospitals respectively, such Trades as may seem meet to the said Society. AND WHEREAS, we did by our said Letters Patent last mentioned, Empower and Authorise the said Body Corporate when they should be assembled, to elect by plurality of Voices, such Officers, other than the President and the Vice President of the said Society, as they should find needful, to continue until the first Monday in November next thereafter, and until others should be chosen to succeed them. AND DID ALSO thereby Empower, Authorise, and Required the said President, and Vice President, or in their absence any Two Members of the said Corporate body, to administer and Oath, or Oaths to the said Officers when they were thereby required to take for due and faithful execution of their respective Officers; And did further Empower, Authorise, and Required the said Corporation, upon the first Monday in November in all Times thereafter, or in case any Emergency should prevent their Meeting on that Day, then at the next Quarterly Meeting thereafter, to make a new Election of Persons to serve in the said Offices, or to continue the former Officers, as they should think most convenient; And that as often as it should happen, that any of the Officers of the said Corporation, for the time being, should die, or be removed for reasonable cause, as therein direct, or that any Vacancy should occur of an Officer or Officers of the said Corporation, it should and might be lawful for the said Members of the said Corporation, and they should be required within FORTY DAYS, (ten days Notice being given) to Choose and Elect into his, or their place or places, some other Person or Persons of the said Corporation, in the manner therein mentioned, to continue in his or their Office or Offices, til the first Monday in November next following, his or their Election or Elections, and until some other Person or Persons should be elected into his or their Office of Offices. WE do hereby further Direct and Ordain that all Officers of the said Society, save the President and Vice President thereof, shall in future be elected in manner herein after-mentioned and provided, and not otherwise, and we do hereby Authorise and Empower the said Committee of Fifteen in Dublin, and the said lesser Committees in their respective Hospitals, whenever any of the Offices of the said Corporation in their said district respectively shall be vacant, to elect by plurality of voices into such Offices, such Persons as they shall think proper respectively, and also annually at their respective meetings, which shall first take place, and be holden next after the first Monday in November in each Year, to make new Elections in the respective Districts as aforesaid, of Persons to serve in the said Offices respectively, or to continue their former Offices, or any of them as they respectively shall think most convenient, each Person so elected in any of the said Cases, to remain in Office until he shall be superceded by a new Election as aforesaid, or till he shall die, resign, or be duly removed and every such Person so elected respectively as aforesaid, to be removeable by the said Committees respectively, in their respective Districts when they shall judge it fit so to do. AND we do also hereby further Authorise and Require the President, or Vice President, or in their absence, any two Members of the said respective Committees in their respective Districts, to administer an Oath or Oaths to the said Officers respectively, for the due and faithful Execution of their respective Officers; And we do hereby require every such Officer to take the said Oath accordingly. AND we do hereby further Authorise and Empower the said Committee of Fifteen from time to time, at their said Meetings, which shall happen next, after the first Monday in November in each Year, to institute, direct and establish such new Offices, and to abolish such old Offices of the said Corporation, not being established by the Terms of any Royal Letters Patent or Charter, as they shall from time to time find it necessary or useful to institute or establish. AND we do also direct and ordain, that no Member of any of the said Committees, or of the said Corporation, shall at any time be eligible for any Office of the said Corporation, to which any Salary or Emolument shall be annexed, or shall belong. AND WHEREAS we did, in and by the said Charter last mentioned, ordain that it should not be lawful to the said Body Corporate, to diminish their capital Stock, arising from the Annual Rent or Income of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Annuities, Pensions, Tythes, or other Hereditaments whereof they should be at any time seized or possessed, but that they should confine the Expences yearly to such Annual Rent or Income, and to such Sum of Money, Goods and Chattels as should from Year to Year be subscribed or given to them, or the Interest or Profits thereof; YET NEVERTHELESS it is our will and pleasure, that the said Corporation should have the power of changing the nature of the Property in manner here following; We do therefore, by these Presents, further Authorise and Empower the said Corporation to sell or dispose of any Lands, Tenements, Tythes, or other Hereditaments whereof they now are, or at any time or times hereafter may be seized or possessed, and to vest the Money or Produce arising therefrom, in the Government Funds of Ireland, or of our United Kingdom, and from time to time, to receive the interest and Dividends thereon, for the Use and Support of the said Society, any thing in the Letters Patent aforesaid, or in any or either of them contained to the contrary thereof, in any wise notwithstanding. AND LASTLY, our Will and Pleasure is, and we do hereby declare and ordain that these our Letters Patent and every Clause, Sentence and Article therein contained, or the Enrolment thereof shall be in all things firm, good, valid, sufficient and effectual in the Law unto the said Corporation according to the Purport and Tenor thereof, without any further Grant, Licence, or Toleration from Us, our Heirs, or Successors, to be had, procured, or obtained: Provided Always, that these our Letters Patent be enrolled in the Rolls of our High Court of Chancery in that Part of our said United Kingdom, called Ireland, within the space of Six Months from the date hereof, otherwise these our Letters Patent to be null and void and of none Effect, any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have caused these our Letters to be made Patent, Witness our aforesaid Lieutenant-General and General Governor of Ireland, at Dublin, the Fifth Day of December; in the Fifty-ninth Year of our Reign. GRANARD. Entered Inrolled
in the Office of the Rolls of His Majesty~s High Court of Chancery
in Ireland, the Seventh Day of December, One Thousand Eight Hundred
and Eighteen. |