Royal Hibernian Military School Badge
The Royal Hibernian Military School (1765-1924)
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The first and last cricket match

The opening of the 1922 cricket season took place on 8 May. This was between Dublin University and the RHMS, but it was the last recorded game for the Royal Hibernian Military School. That was the year the staff and pupils of the school left the Phoenix Park for their new quarters Shorncliffe, Kent, following the creation of the Republic of Ireland.

A British Pathe news item has come to light which records the opening of the 1922 cricket season. This is available for viewing at the British Pathé site under the title 'Cricket season opens', reference number BP080522344021 and ID3440.21.

The news clip is the only known moving picture of the Royal Hibernian Military School in action. It includes a commentary of the opening match at College Park, Dublin, and shows various shots of the cricket match underway. There are close-up views of the batsman and wicketkeeper at the wicket: the batsman hits the ball behind him and starts making runs. Another close-up shot shows a batsman being bowled out as the ball strikes the wickets. Good action. Check out the British Pathé site.

Table of Contents - Royal Hibernian Military School
1769 Petition
1806 Pay and Allowances
1806 Weekly Governor's Report
1806 Time Table
1819 Charter
1819 Diet
1819 Staff Duties
1819 General Regulations
1844 Return of Religions
1849 S.S. Pemberton Orphans
1856 School Inspector Gleig
1857 China
1873 Religion
1900 Review at Phoenix Park
1918 Lost Boys
1919 Roll of Honour
1919 Recollections
1919 Lives of the Hibernians
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
1922 Last cricket match
1924 A soldier's orphan's story
1924 Last roll call
1924 Laying up the colours
1924 The final era
1937 A military misfit NEW
1969 The bicentenary reunion
1994 Capt. Harry Bloomer MBE
2001 IGS No.25 History
2004 Newsletter
2005 The last known Hibernian
2007 Sources of Hibernian documents

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