Abbot, Capt. Derek 'Bud' RAEC; taught physics; activities included skiing, canoeing, climbing, mountain bashing.
Andrews, Dr Frank W.G., HsM Haig (c1971-80); taught history reputed to be a sadistic HsM who once 'gymed' (administered corporal punishment with a gym shoe) the house after breakfast for 'dormitory raiding' the previous night; for the occasion, he ordered everyone involved in the previous night's fracas to report outside his office after breakfast in gym clothes; the requirement for 'gym clothes' was taken as a sure indication of what was to come; In an act of rebellion, the entire house queued outside his office and, one by one, some were thrashed; each boy who took a beating, walked past the line-up to dress for school; part way through the punishment parade, those remaining in the queue were dismissed unpunished; for lack of verifiable evidence, the reason for interruption of punishment is regarded as apocryphal; that is, one boy in line is reputed to have punched HsM Andrews during his beating and later crashed the HsM's car into the cenotaph, for which deed he was expelled; in 1980, some boys looking for photographic paper found a sheaf of pornographic photographs in a drawer; as a consequence, Dover CID interviewed the HsM; he was, in effect, suspended, but not immediately removed from the premises; nevertheless, he was not at school when the next term began; it is reported that Andrews originally came on staff as a 'thank you' from Lloyd Howell, the headmaster who preceded Colonel Ferrier, but was told to 'keep his nose clean'; before joining the Duke of York's, Andrews taught history at Sir Roger Manwoods school in Kent and is said to have got Howell's son out of trouble, but was compelled to leave SRM's for 'inappropriate behaviour'.
Arbuckle, J.G. CSM 'Fatty' of Wolfe (1924-1942); 27th Foot (Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers) a pupil of the Royal Hibernian Military School, Dublin. Thanks to Mrs Jeannette Oakley, more is known of John Arbuckle's life and career than any other sergeant major on the School staff. He was born in the barracks at Shorncliffe, Kent, had a younger brother, Ernest; their father, John Arbuckle, was bandmaster of The Border Regiment (55th Foot), who died in Malta at age 40 of unknown causes; his wife had died three years earlier, when the regiment was stationed in Galway, so the two boys were left complete orphans; they had an elder half-brother, William Ferguson serving in the Army Service Corps (later the RASC), who became their legal guardian; he applied for admission of both boys to the RMA and RHMS, Dublin and as events turned out, John Arbuckle went to the RHMS, Dublin and his brother to the Duke of York's. the younger brother went to Kneller Hall, followed a musical career and transferred to the 27th to join John. Interestingly, both brothers and their half-brother William Ferguson served together in South Africa and saw action in the same battles. Having served 27 years with the Inniskillings, John joined the staff of the Royal Hibernians and, in 1922, accompanied the school to Shorncliffe, Kent, when the school vacated its Phoenix Park premises. In 1924, the Hibernians amalgamated with the Duke of York's and selected staff transferred, too; John Arbuckle stayed on the staff until the outbreak of WWII, when the School was evacuated, first to Cheltenham and then to Saunton Sands for the duration of the hostilities; John's daughter Peggy spent her childhood and teenage years at the Duke of York's; she reported it to be a great place to grow up, that the boys spoilt her rotten, especially in her teens, and the prefects doted on her; John died on parade in 1942 of an aortic aneurism. Ray Pearson (Wy 41-45) was on the same parade; he recalls a big, ginger-haired CSM and recollects the incident vividly; the parade was held at the hotel's entrance of the hotel; close by, a pre-war garage had been converted for use as a Roman Catholic church; on parade, Ray's company was nearest the chapel; he was on the flank; it was directly in front of him that CSM Arbuckle him collapsed, which is why he and three others were instructed to carry the sergeant major into the church; minutes later, called to the scene, the M.O. pronounced Sergeant Major Arbuckle dead.
Ashton, Capt. G.W. RAEC.
Atherton W. Lt Col; HM (1946-1949); regarded strongly by the informant as a bigot; 'Every Monday at assembly, he told us how good he was, probably true as he swam for Great Britain in the 1936 Olympics water polo team.
Aughton, Mr G. N. E. (possibly) 'Gene' (1963-1966); a 'house tutor in Haig, he taught first-year maths, although he was originally recruited to teach outdoor activities (e.g. rock climbing); a change in the curriculum, however, caused him to teach what he described as 'a hobby'; he left to manage an outdoor centre.
Dr F.W.G. Andrews |
Mr. G. Aughton |
Banks, Capt. RAEC; HM Wolfe; owner of decrepit car wrecked by joy riders of Roberts.
Barker, Mr Percy: (1946 to late 1950s): School pioneer who did general duty work.
Barton, Miss Wendy, QAS (1953-1959); taught JSU.
Bate, D Major RAEC; 'Master': succeeded Mahor Legge as HsM of Clive House (c1967); said to have been a friendly, approachable and reasonable man.
Bean, Miss D (Dormie); Matron at Haig, a short and tubby woman not to be confused with Miss D. Bean of Kitchener (see entry); Dormie Bean generally disliked and not known to smile although, in the house photograph taken one year she was making a grand effort to look pleasant.
Bean, Miss D 'Doidee' (1950s); Matron of Kitchener; described as tall, thin and a thoroughly good sort.
Beeson, QMSI 'Beestie'; APTC; succeeded QMSI Leverton in the gymnasium and, on retiring, became a Beefeater in the Tower of London.
Belcher, D. Mr 'Don'(1963-1998); Asst HsM of Haig, replaced Boz Handford in 1962; one of the longest-serving members of staff in the post-war era. He was a charismatic teacher who instilled a love of biology and nature into those he taught; he was keen on fieldwork, which got his pupils out of the classroom and, by his enthusiasm and passion for his subject inspired numerous of his pupils to pursue a life of scientific enquiry; in 1998, nearing retirement, he wrote a well-remembered article in the Yorkist in which he reflected on the changes he had witnessed during his long career as a teacher at the school that spanned more than 35 years; as head hockey coach, he had a whistle of the toot-toot variety rather as apposed to the shrill pea type, so he was easy to locate on the crowded sports ground; Dan Belcher was a highly-respected and much-admired teacher; a regular drinking companioin of Pete Sampson at the Wheatsheaf, Martin Mill, a pair of great teachers with a sense of humour and a combined sense of decency.
Bell, WOII 'Dinger', AEC; taught French
Bell, Mr 'Ding-dong'; a PREP master, who attended once or twice weekly between 6 and 7.30 pm to supervise Prep.; after six months, his attendance slackened and he was found to be upstairs with the house matron; later spotted occasionally in Dover and Guston in the company of said matron; when students of the 3rd form returned in September 1964, he was found to be no longer on staff; nor said matron; rumour had it that 'They sailed away for a year and a day to the land where the Bong tree grows.'
Benn, Lt. Col. RVM (Robin Victor McKenzie) RAEC; HM late 1950s-1960s; a gentle and cultivated man who had been HM at the Slim School in the Cameron Highlands in what was then Malaya; Benn brought a civilising influence to the school that countered the abrasive and puffed-up Commandant, Brigadier George Laing; Benn's charming wife had the knack of making stammering youths believe she was convinced that what they had to say was really important; taught at Slim where my elder sister studied who liked him lots; Benn went on to a Brussels posting; for some reason in my year, writes informant, he identified four of us for Oxford fast-tracking, which meant taking 5/6 O levels a year early with the intent of missing the 5th year and going straight to Lwr 6th; Col. Lloyd Howell stopped the second part of this, sensibly I think.
Bernie, D.A. Capt. RAEC;
Billson, Capt. 'Bosky' RAEC (?-1953).
Blackman, Miss, QAS, (1945-51)
Blower, Capt. D. RAEC (1959-1962); one of the 'black mabs', referred to as one of the 'Triumverate of Terror'; an officer held in low regard for his brutal ways; one reporter recalls that as a second former studying French, he was given three heavy strokes with a swagger stick by this black mab for some minor infringement of discipline; the bruises were a cause of major concern to the parents of the boy in question when he returned home for vacation one week after the punishment, and they seriously considered reporting the matter to the headmaster; in the opinion of the writer, reminiscing about old times with fellow old boys of the same era, there was a clear concensus that Blower was a sadist ill-fitted to be a schoolteacher. This is not a universally held view. Gus Baigner, who was under Capt. Ritson for almost his entire tour of duty as HsM, asserts that he neither experienced nor knew of any excesses of corporal punishment. He allows, however, that those who were caned may well hold a different view.
Bold, Nurse; (1798-c1840); IOW Infants establishment; travelled with General Hewett to deliver the first intake of children by carrier's cart to the RMA, Chelsea, on 29 August 1803; wife of QMS Bold; later Matron of the Southampton girls and infant branch of the RMA.
Bonnerjea, Mrs. 'Baggie'; widow of Dr Biren Bonnerjea, a well-known Indian ethnologist and author of A book of Superstitions and Mythology; their son, Dr Rene Bonnerjea, a linguist (with eight or more languages); Mrs Bonnerjea is remembered as a kind generous--hearted women who retired to a new Gateway flat on the Dover seafront.
Bradshaw, K.D. Capt. 'Ken' RAEC; HsM Kitchener; reported to have been an excellent cricketer, hero and mentor to many boys; left in 1950-51 to become principal of a public school near Oxford.
Brennan, Mollie Nurse; Matron of Haig; well-liked, motherly Irishwoman of staunch Catholic faith; took care of laundry and bed linen; known for doling out milk and biscuits at break time; remembered with affection and, from one, a note that during her more than 25 years of service 'more than a thousand new boys passed through her hands'.
Brindle, Capt. A 'Alf'; RAEC HsM Wolsoley; ex-Dukie, married the school secretary, Maureen; taught history and, for juniors, English; resigned about 1966; regarded by some as a Boys Own hero who played every sport well, coached under 12s (beginners) at rugby; mostly liked but considered a bit OTT by some; others disagreed with the schoolboy image of a Steerforth: one, who knew Brindle when he was Asst. HsM, described him as despicable, a man who terrorised the entire house and especially one unfortunate; Ian Robinson (1960-1964) described him as a git who 'would never be let near a classroom - or children - now and should not have been then'; another, Mike Hickling, recounted a story in which Brindle birched (more likely caned) an entire rugby team for losing a match, summed up as 'pastoral care at its best'; one other, recalling Brindle, groaned 'Aaargh!' Yet another correspondent wrote that he (Brindle) was one of the reasons I gave up cricket and took on athletics instead - a decision generally deplored by HsM Legge, who thought it important enough to describe it on my school report as 'a selfish decision', which cast light on the way some valued different sports: no football and athletics barely tolerated, rugby and cricket being 'the' games; the charge of sadism came from his walking a line he ordered to raise one foot six inches off the ground and, with a cane, struck those who with a foot less than six inches off the ground; regularly given a bloody nose in the Masters v Boys rugby match.
Brooshooft, Mr W 'Billy' (1959-1970); Asst HsM Kitchener; recalled as a 'well-rounded' man with a classic moustache, an excellent teacher and formidable player on the rugby field; said to have a strong musical ear; took the junior schools for singing lessons with success and, occasionally, the entire school for hymn rehearsal; fair-minded and easy on physical punishment, preferring to inflict retribution the mind to physical torture; his favourite form of punishment were, lines of course, a dissertation on some insignificant creator of an obscure and inane theory - remembering there was then no internet, so many hours were spent in the library doing the necessary research. One writer recall's 'Billy Brooshooft' as a 'smashing housemaster and teacher, who sometimes sounded gruff and loud, but was always good with us boys. He had a small room at the end of the reading room in Kitchener as I recall. I was really ill one night, so I knocked on his door to find he was already up with another boy who was feeling unwell. He was a caring and understanding man and I know he had the respect of many many boys. One of our fellows, Neil Argue, who runs his own Class of '83 site, has Billy's pewter tankard from his local pub in Guston.
Brown, Sgt.; PT Instructor
Bryan, M.J. Capt. RAEC: pipe smoker, red-haired, cricketer; had a Volvo 122 about 1962 vintage - considered 'cool', the flashiest car in the School.
Bruin, Andy. a former Dukie from the 1950s and 60s, who returned to the school to teach and retired after a double lifetime (well, as the correspondent reports, two incarnations anyway) in 2004.
Buck, (Bill) W.B.D.; Haig, deputy HsM, taught French; as with some other members of staff, he had a reputation for harshness and severity in his treatment of boys; now the master in charge of rugby and crickets at Sutton Valance School, in Kent; his ill treatment is etched on the mind of one correspondent who, though not wishing him ill, has said he would speak his mind should they ever chance to meet.
Burgess, Capt. ARP 'Paul' RAEC, (late 1950s) taught in the old creosoted sheds (French?) and played the Northumbrian pipes.
Burgess, Mr.; taught metal craft.
Burnicle, 'Barnicle Bill', head cook whose mantra, never strictly enforced, was 'You'll get no baksheesh!' Equally well-known for his admonition 'Keep quiet or yer'll get no tea.'
R A (Rab) Butler; invariably referred to as "RAB". taught metalwork in the early 1960s and 70s; regarded as a pleasant teacher whose teaching of metalworking skills lasts to this day, for many Dukies from his era report still owning pokers and other metal objects manufactured under his tuition.
Major. Bate |
Mr. D. Belcher |
Capt. D. Blower |
Mrs Bonnerjea |
Capt. A. Brindle |
Mr W. Brooshooft |
Mr W.B.D. Buck |
R.A. Butler |
Cahill, Miss Dorothy; QAS
Chivers, Mr Basil 'Baz' civilian (1963-1969); teacher assistant in science dept.; first XI cricket coach; played for Wiltshire in minor counties; captained White Rose Ramblers.
Clark, Mr. Jack 'Razman', formerly known as 'Killer'; HsM of Marlborough; 'Josh' to senior boys; Wolseley, taught history and bosom pal of Boz Handford, who also hailed from the north; gave students a graphic description of how to mummify a body, beginning with 'You pull his brain out through his nostrils, first having tied a knot in his willy'; threw chalk and blackboard rubbers at inattentive boys; outwardly fierce, which frightened younger boys, but an endearing. quirky person with a generous heart; good sportsman despite advancing years; played cricket for White Ramblers, quit smoking for Lent, causing everyone to give him clear passage; retired to his native Durham; Jack Clark reported by some to be a well-liked and kindly man despite his occasional resort to corporal punishment for which, one writer recalled a cylindrical map holder referred to as 'Percival the persuader'; not, however, universally admired; described by one as a 'miserable and miserly man' and 'one had to wonder how he acquired his legendary status'; another wrote a negative view, 'for Clark terrorized classes with an acerbic manner who taught history and English' and thanked God for getting another teacher; his principle teaching method was to write the answers to essay questions on the board and having students copy them, yet the method apparently worked, for he got excellent results; he was another member of staff with strong paedophilic tendencies, who regularly inflicted 'chap' inspections; this involved rubbing every boy's thighs to look for 'chapped legs' (there being no possible reason for a teacher to conduct such examinations); boys who had 'chaps' would report to the house matron; Clarke was also fond of demonstrating what he called 'mummy embalming', this merely being an excuse to rub his hands all over the unfortunate victim; yet another informant confirmed Clarke's administration of corporal punishment using a rolled-up map to inflict pain; this, he is reported to have said, was to demonstrate cricket strokes by positioning the bent over boy to illustrate the 'sweep or the cut' of the bat.
Cleaves Mr H. (Howard) aka 'Crapper' (c1956) taught maths; regarded by some as a well-meaning but incompetent teacher, this negative view is not general; while one reported him as having a poor reputation - 'the worst ever invented' - and another expressed his good fortune to be taught applied maths by 'Bony' Tritton (see entry) others held him to be a 'good teacher' and well regarded by his contemporaries despite severe 'micky taking' about his nasal speech; another said he had an odd manner that invited schoolboy jibes, opinion of Crapper Cleaves is clearly divided, one reporting that HM. Mullen tried unsuccessfully to have him fired while others gave him high praise, attesting to his affability, being well-liked and an excellent maths teacher; one correspondent reported him to be an excellent teacher of Pure Maths for sixth formers, 'the only time I properly understood statistics and he gave me such a good grounding that I was able to buff up again twenty years later when I got a job in a mathematical analysis consultancy': reported to have suffered burns flying a Spitfire in WWII and given plastic surgery; lived in a house (c1952) later occupied by Charles Connell and there hangs a tale (see below).
Collins, V. Capt. RAEC;
Connors, CSM 'Drummy'
Conry, Mr L 'Luke' (late 50s-60s); taught English and an all-round human being. The late David Sandison (Clive 1955-61) credits Luke with keeping him sane
Cook, Major RAEC (? - 1966); taught art; reputed to show his 'toughness' before colleagues; source reported him to be 'a bit up himself'.
Colegate, Capt. 'Gibbs'; RAEC (c1965); little known; however. in company with Billy Brooshooft, Asst HsM of Kitchener, showed great kindness to the mother of a boy the HsM thrashed for a misdemeanour and having demanded his mother's presence to received a tongue lashing concerning the matter; drove the boys mother to the railway station..
Connell, Mr C. H. 'Charles' (c1947-?); (1909-1995); Head of English, Birmingham Univ. with degree in music, an accomplished pianist and fan of Fats Waller; was among the first to visit Belsen, the concentration camp where he remained to document the horrific scenes with which he met; lived with his wife and daughter in the staff house that Crapper Cleaves was later to occupy, the story being that during WWII, a soldier billetted in the house was killed by a cross-Channel shell; his ghost haunted the house; the Connells told of strange winds, aromas and apparitions at night caused Mrs C to seek help from her old priest, back in Belgium; twice the 'stranger' was exorcised without success, so the Connells moved; when the Cleaves moved into the house (c1952) the 'strange happenings' ceased, frightened away, Charles Connell maintained, by the presence of Mrs Cleaves; his published works include Meet me at Philippi, They gave us Shakespeare; World Famous Exiles; World Famous Rebels; The Hidden Catch; Versicles and Limericks; Monte Cassino: the Historic Battle, Catt Among The Pidgeons, Most Delicious Poison, The House in The Bay, Please Ptell Me Pterodacty; Where sleeps the Jagged Sword, (which treated the heroic role of polish soldiers who reached England and were prominent in the storming of Monte Casino, Italy), Most delicious poison, Aphrodisiacs in your garden, The World's Greatest Sieges; The Hump (dealing with the Berlin airlift); he also wrote and directed plays based on the works of Dickens to bring them to life for his students for whom he began a book club, and ghost-wrote a number of military biographies as well as Murder v Murder (also remembered as Was Hanratty Guilty) for Lord Russell of Liverpool, this being a detailed account of the A6 murder in which he identified the true killer of Michael Gregson ; fluent in French, he was engaged in espionage work in Belgium during WWII and entertained pupils with James Bond-style gadgets; he is remembered as a raconteur, wit, rebel, late-night snooker player in Kitchener, a 'lovely bloke' being a patient, genial, but strict, teacher worth any ten other teachers put together (one recalled getting one 'hell of a whack on the back of the head' for reading a book under the desk during his class); by virtue of a simple stratagem, he had no disciplinary problems in class - that is, during the first week of a new class year, he selected the first of his new charges who stuck his head over the parapet, whoever the cheeky chappy who try his luck yakking out of turn, playing up, 'testing the water', and would happily 'beat the shit' out of the hapless creature [rhetorically, the narrator asks 'You think I exaggerate? No, I watched in horror as he slapped, shook, even kicked the poor wretch to the ground. The guy had a bleeding nose at the end of it! After that there was a instinctive respect for this man, who never so much as raised his voice again]; he was an effective teacher and everyone enjoyed his lessons; he was an especially memorable reader - e.g. Nada the Lily (H. Ryder Haggard) and similar works; as the class grew older, instructed a goon squad to maintain concentration of the class; that is, he would read to the class in total silence; if anyone lost concentration, tapped his desk or went to sleep, the head of English gave a prearranged signal and point to the victim whereupon the good squad quietly left their seats and cuffed the offending boy back into an attentive state; when satisfied the treatment given was sufficient, Chas Connell would click his fingers for the squad to return to their seats and resume listening as though nothing had happened; Phil Roberts (1963-1969) summed up Connell's personality with an anecdote: caught talking in prep, he was given a choice 'Now, lad you can either spend Sunday afternoon doing 500 lines "I must not talk in prep especially when kind Mr Connell is on duty as it's taking advantage of his good nature", . Sunday incidentally promises to be warm and sunny and I've heard a rumour of cream cakes and pop for some junior boys at my house at half past three .... or I can cane you now and it's all over - you choose. ' That was only one stroke from Mr Connel, who I thought then (and still do) was the best master I ever had. He was a
remarkable man who died at age 65 and is buried at St Margarets-on-Sea; Graham Lyons reports Connell was still on staff when he, Lyons, left in 1975 and continues: I remember having a few pints with him in the late Seventies [along with Jeff Hopkinson, the woodwork teacher, & Dai Rees, the volatile Welsh arts teacher] by which time he had retired.; he was a bloody good bloke and instilled in me a love and an ability of language that has stayed with me ever since; I think he died in 1995 aged 85; I loved the story of the ghost in his house but, it being a Chas Connell story, it might well have been fiction; he also told us of his honeymoon promise to his wife that he'd have the Belgian flag flown from the clock tower [something he only achieved twenty years later when a Belgian rugby team played at the school and he conned the Headmaster Col Lloyd Howell into hoisting it as, so he explained, it was always a Belgian tradition to fly opponents flags during matches so it'd be a courtesy to do the same or it was Belgian National Day or some such] - he was always full of marvellously entertaining stories but I don't suppose any of them were true [I found a website that said he had been a spy in Belgium during the war but he never told us anything about that]; he could not stand Lloyd Howell and, when the Yorkist had a photo of Howell, he pointedly read the facing page article aloud in class with his hand covering the photo so he wouldn't have to look at him; after a good lunch one day, he arrived in the classroom to give us our weekly spelling test - "Spell Catastrophnnnn, spell Castastrfmm, spell Castrnnnmmmf, oh, spell Disaster."; his book Murder vs Murder [A6 murder] proclaimed Hanratty's innocence - Chas said he had the follow-up book ready for whenever a pardon was granted to Hanratty and the follow-up would name the man who had paid for the job to be done; sadly, Chas was thoroughly misled by his source [Jean Justice - a man trying to get even with the legal system over a lack of promotion/recognition or some other personal slight that now escapes my memory] - the DNA tests eventually proved Hanratty's guilt; I also knew a retired copper who had taken a witness statement about the dumping of the murderer's escape car only a couple of days after the murder - the witness described Hanratty to a T.
Connors, CSM C.D. 'Drummy'; H Coy (houses had alpha designations until the late 1920s, were known and referred to by their alpha identities until the school was evacuated in 1940); Drummy Connors, ex-RMA, Chelsea, the son of Daniel Connors of the 68th Foot (Durham Light Infantry), was born in Co. Cork in 1876 and entered the school in 1887 (his father died in India in 1877); he left the RMA in 1891 (renamed the DYRMS in 1892) to enlist in the 11th Foot (the Devonshire Regt.); served in Egypt where his two daughters were born); he joined the school in 1914 as CSM of H Coy and took charge of the drum corps (drums, flutes and bugles); he retired in 1926 at age 50; it was not known why an experienced NCO, aged 38, should leave the army on the eve of WWI, but he could have been invalided out and permitted to serve his years in the reserve at the school; he and his family kept in close touch with the school; his daughter Gladys helped organise the buses and accommodation for OBA members attending school functions from London and kept an open house for ex-Dukies passing through London; Ray Pearson, Vice-President of the OBA, married Drummy Connors' granddaughter Joan who took over the OBA West Country Group
in 1964, which is still going strong; in recognition of her efforts when she died in 2002, the OBA bought as garden bench, which stands near the war memorial at the Deal Gate; CSM Justice, an ex-RHMS boy (see entry) succeeded CSM Connors of H Coy that eventually became Haig House.
Conry, Luke (late 50s-60s); English teacher an all-round human being; [the late David Sandison (Clive 1955-61) credits Luke with keeping him sane.
Cross, George, messenger, post NCO, driver of 'School Scad' (15 cwt truck) and general handyman; never without a joke; insisted that his wife's name was Victoria Cross and always referred to her as his first wife ('to keep her on her toes'); lived in one of the lodges by the Deal Gate.
Cummings, Mr Charlie, Liverpool signaller; maintained the dwindling and unreliable stock of 18 and 38 manpack sets plus the remaining vehicle 19 set.
Curtis, Mrs; Maton of Wolseley from c1947-1951 when she moved to become Matron of Marlborough.
Cuthill, Dorothy, Miss, QAS (c1948-1955); taught the junior school including needlework, papier mache and singing; supervised writing letters home weekly; lived next door to RSM 'Spra' Jones and had a son.
Mr. J. Clark |
Mr M. Cleaves |
Mr C. H. Connell |
CSM Drummy Connors |
Daley, Nursing Sister; Irish; with fellow Sister Gill considered 'tough as nails' with odd outbursts of kindness; standard treatment for all maladies and woes was gargle and an aspirin; source reports one lad given the standard treatment for a boil on his rear end; (see Sister Gill below); a fearsome masseuse and dab hand with the liniment; her knuckles on a corked thigh made many a strong young rugby player weep.
Dalton, T. 'Toss' Mr (1963-1969); taught woodwork and metalwork; had a good reputation as instructor; given to talking and of whom it was said 'He could circumnavigate the world between two periods; known for aiming a lump of wood with unerring accuracy at the head of any inattentive boy at the same time exclaiming 'Behold thy fairy godmother' as wood met skull; suffered a hernia, which caused him to hitch one leg over the end of the woodwork bench to relive the pai or pressure; the hernia followed by a minor stroke that left his mouth drooping on one side; he frequently prefaced his remarks with 'When I was in the Navy....'.
Daniels, Mr Jack (early 1960s); graduate of Trinity College Dublin; had been a journalist who, for some reason (maybe there is a deity after all), took up teaching in which occupation he was one of those rare human beings to enter the gates as a staff member
Davey, D. CSM 'Sticks Davey' of Clive;(1945-late 1950s); handed Clive House over to Mr Page in 1948; remained on staff as groundsman before moving into the Guston Gate lodge until his retirement; the House mother of Clive during CSM Davey's time was known as Kate..
Davey, Mr J. 'John' (1959-1970); an ex-Dukie; first HsM of the new senior house, Wolseley in 1969-1970; had a 1st class honours degree in chemistry (Manchester U); taught chemistry.
Davies, Clifford 'Yappo'; Chaplain in the early 60s-70s; younger boys admired his as a as a kind and solicitous man who taught music appreciation, RK and A level Latin; during lessons, students were vastly amused by his Goon-like mistranslation humour; a first-class pianist and improvisational organist, he taught singing and was involved in G & S productions.
Davies, Mr Joe 'Kremlin'; Deputy HM under HM Lt. Col. R.V.M. Benn and then through the 1960s under HM, the 'Druid Howell’ to became known as Deputy Dawg; taught physics; operated a Bedford 'dormobile'; disliked for perceived bias re O and A levels; HsM of Wellington; a fearsome addict of Woodbine cigarettes; had a ferocious wife known as Nin; Kremlin Davies considered by more than one to be an unsupportive and not encouraging teacher 'by a long chalk,' but a decided improvement on Howard Cleaves all the same; having ‘other things on his mind’ he was considered disorganised; one respondent reported that he ‘got through two years-worth of notes of another boy a year ahead of him, taught by Mike Heath, ‘an excellent teacher’ (see entry); Kremlin had a sense of humour and once, at the high table laughing at a joke, slapped the table and struck a bowl of soup the waitress had set before him; result, bowl and soup flew into the air and soaked him at which he laughed raucously; rated 'not the most supportive and encouraging of teachers by a long chalk.
De la Haye, Capt. Philip RAEC (1959-1970); the inspirational maths teacher of the lower sixth who later returned in the rank of Lieut Colonel as HM of the School; his popularity was not universal, he having unjustly expelled a boy for allegedly getting his teenage daughter drunk beyond standing; nevertheless, regarded by others as 'a good teacher and a pleasant man'; and another, 'a teacher who could relate to boys in an ordinary and friendly way'.
Dods, Mr 'Pop'; of no known position on staff; taught gardening; fond of quoting My Garden (Thomas E. Brown) 'A GARDEN is a lovesome thing, God wot!' that source recalls after 50 years.
Dominy, Major Jack, RAEC 'Black Jack'(1962); Roberts; taught geography; noted for big, thick black moustache; described by one correspondent as 'a cruel man who loved thrashing boys'; his wife also regarded with trepidation, for she assumed the right to order us about; we went along with it because Jack would have otherwise punished us for insulting her.
Dunning, M., Mrs. (1925-1949); daughter of Major & Mrs. A. S. Field of 24th Foot (the South Wales Borderers); a member of the Queen's Army Schoolmistresses who served in Canada, England and India; on the death of husband, Sub-commander J.S. Dunning, Mrs. Dunning joined the staff as a Housekeeper; her three sons, Geoffrey, Stanley and Alfred, and her adopted son (Martin Kelly of Wolfe) were students of the School. One source who knew Mrs. Dunning well confirmed that she became head Matron and did her work from 'the room under the clock tower', as reported in an issue of The Chronicle. Her eldest son, Geoffrey, was killed at Arnhem; replaced by Miss Beanon retirement.
Doyle, Fr.; pre-WWII Chaplain badly wounded in Wasiristan (North West Frontier), visited school from Dover Parish for mass and confessions. |
Mrs M Dunning |
Ellender, Paul; joined School as an RK (abbr. unkown) teacher about 1972; an ex-Dukie; he actually made RK interesting by discussing it as a literary & cultural work to be analysed rather than a religious book to be accepted at face value. Good bloke and a bloody marvellous change from having Yapo (unknown) for RK.
Elson, Capt. R.E. RAEC; AHM Wolseley; taught 'crafts'; easily confused with boys' names - e.g. Pilkinghorne for Ridlington;
English, Mr John, Asst HsM Haig House (1993)
Evans Mr 'Dan' (early 60s) named for his abundant dandruff and general scruffiness; a graduate of Manchester Grammar and Manchester University; reputed to have joined the Hitler Youth when visiting his German grandmother pre-war. taught German; and picked his nose to Olympic standard.
Fair, QMS 1827; threatened with dismissal for 'infidelity and falsity' in conducting an affair with one of the nurses; dismissed in 1829 on orders from the board (see QMS Pettyfer).
Ferrier, Capt. Ken RAEC; [source reports having done 'German to a scrap O level pass under Ferrier, who returned as HM (1972-1977) vide George Shorter.]; reported as 'another bloody good bloke'; one recalled an occasion in the sixth form when somebody made up "Col Ken for King" posters but for what reason is not remembered.
Finn, CSM 'Mickey' aka 'Paddy' Wellington (c 1930s-1950s); taught signals; a soldier of vitality, vigor, average height and build with a louder than average voice; of a walkie-talkie, he said, "And dis boys is de portable D mark tree telephone; for all de world like yer mudders sewing machine, that is---"; coming across boys he suspected of being up to mischief, he would shout in lilting Irish 'I knows yer names and numbers. yer bluidy Arabs. What are they?'; his manner was roguish in a jaunty and off-beat way, but never malicious or malevolent; a reputation for pilfering the school rations was, among his fellow CSMs, well-established, for he regularly offered others a share of his plundering; rashers of bacon, butter, extra sugar; nothing known of his military career before joining the staff.
Forrest, SM Jack 'Fatty Jack' (c1960-1970); ex-9th Foot (Royal Norfolk Regt.); a large man of 18 stone (250 lbs), ruddy complexioned, wore a beret in preference to the blue peaked cap worn by his peers; regarded as deputy RSM and responsible for military training with small arms, his specialty; taught use of .22s and .303s, stripping, cleaning and reassembling both types of rifle; contemporary of RSM Duggie Haig; a marksman and fine shot who competed at Bisley; pronounced grenades as 'gunnades'; an admired figure with a distinctive speech patter, subject of a memorable cartoon on the face of an underground magazine, S.T.A.Y featuring a GI hurling a 'gunnade' and yelling 'Share that amongst you - you spaghetti-eating Nip bastards! (not PC, but reputedly his standard war cry); 'Cordite!! - that's the stuff in 'ere lad, see?' he'd say gleefully 'Pull this ring with yer finger, release like this, toss it like Fred Trueman and then the little blighters won't give ya any more trouble.' Source states he was never sure if SM Forrest was having as much fun as us because around weapons depot or not, he was deadly serious; given to intentional malapropisms; for example, demonstrating an ability to fire a rifle from either shoulder, he said, 'Watch this. I'm amphibious!'.
Forrest, Mrs (c1960-1970); wife of SM Jack Forrest, was the matron of Marlborough House.
Foster, Maj 'Funge'; HsM Wolseley; taught maths, regarded as a good teacher; as one recalled, 'a good teacher needs to be a bit of a showman'; on entering the classroom Funge would draw a perfect circle on the blackboard and announce 'Only a genius or a madman can draw a perfect circle' and follow with with an uproarious laugh.
Foster, Sgt. PT instructor; regarded as a decent bloke who replaced the PT instructor known as 'Legs riss' [correct name unknown, but possibly WO2 Richards herein listed] in 1969/70; he asked Bob Pearson [Wellington, 1966-1973] why he never called him 'Sir' to which Bob replied that he was 'only a bloody Sergeant' and was promptly frog-marched into the presence of the HM.
Fowler, A., WO 'Alfred' (1911-1914); Quartermaster in charge of school infirmary; re-enlisted, commissioned lieutenant on medical team of Liverpool Merchants Mobile Hospital (see Warrant Officer Alfred Fowler).
Freed, RQMS, In charge of QM Stores; adhered strictly to the 'long trousers' rule which required that a boy be either higher that 5 ft 2 in or a member of the 4th form; gave a new dimension to the work choleric, for he could be reduced to a screamin maniac by small boys who had lost an item of their kit; a denizen of the White Rose Club.
Fry, CSM W. Bill 'Jan' (also 'Jankers') (1941-1965?): 11th Ft (The Devonshire Regt.); CSM Kitchener until the Nye reforms replaced CSMs with HsMs; then a SM, he became Assistant Bandmaster and the B Division musicians; reported to have put the 'fear of God into us'; a superb clarinetist and enthusiastic musician in G & S operettas; reported to have close relationship with house matron Doidee Bean to whom, in fact, he was related; ended his days as Chelsea Pensioner; (see Last of the CSMs). |
SM J. Forrest |
Major Foster |
Gatesman, Mr 'Noddy' Taught science; displayed eccentricities considered not to constitute 'a full package'; specialised in creating spectacular chemical explosions; also reported to be the teller of some wonderful and entertainnig tales that would be worth recording if anyone is able to offer recollection of this gentleman's repertoire.
Gent, R.M. Capt. RAEC: possibly taught maths or science.
Gill, Nursing Sister; Irish; (see also Sister Daley, RN); described as a Harpy and the very worst of the sanatorium sisters who presided in the 1960s; along with Sister Daley was said to prescribe aspirin and gargle for everything from 'bubonic plague to ingroing toenails'; to one respondent, the two nursing sisters, Gill and Daley, were tough as nails, but deep down, kindly souls; one recalls Sister Gill looking after him 'with almost love' when he was ill and a 15-year old; the two sisters worked under 'Whistling Willie' and all three seemed to get on well together; yet another correspondent described the two nursing sisters as practising witchcraft medicine and diagnosing him as blind drunk late one night when in fact he had come down with Menengitus and therefore had fallen gravely ill.
Gillett, Mr Ivor; Chief Clerk in the administration office; and ex-Dukie wounded in WWI; well remembered by John Miller and others of the WWII era for his cheeful disposition and lively appreciaiton of a joke despite the constant pain he suffered from the steel girdle or corset that held him together after his war injuries; Ivoe was for many years HGS of the OBA; noted archivist and school historian.
Glover, Capt. G. 'Fingers' RAEC; well-like; taught general science to juions and biology to seniors; proud to boast he still used the pen with which he wrote his O levels.
Goodman, SM; PT instructor; like Dusty was an ex-Army pug. Unlike Dusty, however, he was tall and had a long reach. Regarded by all as a fine and pleasant man equally as gentle as Dusty, but overshadowed by SM Miller's personality. The two gym instructions, Goodman and Miller, developed a good boxing squad that, like the band, frequently filled engagements in Devon as it had in Dover before the war. Throughout the school, the gym instructors taught boys self-reliance and, unsurprisingly, consideration for others.
Goodwin, SM; PT instructor.
Grainger, R. CSM DCM 'Dick' of Wolseley (1924 to 1943); served in the 2nd Btn. Lancashire Fusiliers and joined the RHMS (see Arbuckle J.G. CSM); with a detachment of Hibernian boys, he joined the School in 1924 in charge of the junior school; in 1927, he was appointed CSM of Wolseley; for many years a star player in the staff cricket team; universally well-liked; no blustering Sergeant-major he, but a quiet man with an endearing habit of whistling as he strode the corridors of the School's quarters at Saunton, thus giving boys time to cease whatever mischief they were up to. He was no doubt equally considerate before the war at Dover. He had his own lexicon of caution or rebuke. To a shouting boy he would say 'Oi lardhead! What are you selling?' To a tussle-haired boy it was 'Oi, you with the hair like straw.' He knew every boy's name and number, but preferred using the latter. Thus, Ray Pearson was 'Forty', his brother 'Twenty-eight', his best pal 'Thirty-eight' and so on. Dick chain-smokes Woodbine cigarettes, but had to follow standing orders by not allowing boys to smoke. When challenged by a boy on this contradictory law he would say, 'Well, I have to smoke because of my lungs. I was gassed in the trenches twenty-five years ago and the smoking eases the pain.' Such reasoning would not wash in today's anti-smoking society. He even smoked on parade. Standing at the rear of his parading company, he exhaled smoke up the sleeve of his service dress tunic. He, of course, knew all of the boys who smoked (dibbed was the slang word for it). After his pre-inspection before the MO's medical inspection, smokers would find a pumice stone on the sink. This was for removing the stains from nicotine-yellow fingers. After inspection, we would return the stone to his office without comment. Nothing was ever said. On the School's return to Dover Dick retired to Maison Du Road in Dover Town, near to RSM 'Spra' (aka 'Whacker') Jones. As a young OB, Ray Pearson always found time at school reunions to meet them for a beer in their local. Sadly, they felt unwelcome at the School to which they had devoted so many years of their military lives. Life can be cruel or, rather, those of the new order can be inconsiderate. |
CSM R. Grainger DCM |
Haig, D. RSM 'Duggie' (1960-1979); Royal Engineers, succeeded Spra Jones and died in 1986 in retirement; (see Guston Cemetery); was well-liked and known for a booming voice - 'PAY-RAY-DER' and a crash with his hob-nailed boots when coming to 'attention' that could shatter asphalt like glass; highly regarded and frequently referred to him as 'Daddy Duggie' or 'Spra'
Haig, Mrs. wife of RSM Haig (1960-1979) was matron of Haig House.
Hall, CSM.
Halsey, J. CSM 'Hatchet face' of Roberts (c1930s-1950s). Like all members of staff, Jim Halsey came by his nickname not through any sense of mean or spiteful intent, but rather because of his manner and comportment, it fitted him like a glove; he had qualities that appealed to his superiors, for he was chosen to accompany a large contingent evacuated to the QVS, Dunblane, in 1941; moved with his family; with the depletion of the Dunblane contingent, Jim Halsey (known as Efco Halsey) moved to North Devon to take over the drum corps following the departure of Dick Grainger; according to some, given to tentrums when dealing with heophyte drummers; one remembers a time when Efco caught his baton in an overhead light n the practice room; he 'beat the offending lampshare and globe to death before his audience of open-mouth boys; Frank Hartry (Wy 46-51) remembers him as a man with a sense of humour (see Return to Dover) irascible and given to a quick temper ready to cuff any boy he didn't think was paying attention at band practice; another respondent recalled Halsey as efficient and kind-hearted, but snappy when out of sorts; also known as Efco' Halsey reputed to have 'screaming tantrums with neophytes to Drums'; one memorable occasion recalled when he caught his baton in an overhead light in the practice room and he beat the offending lampshade and globe to death as boys watched open-mouthed; in his adulthood, Ray Pearson (1940s era) met CSM Halsey at the Deal Gate more than once after the war following one 'Remembrance Day' church service; he would seek out the young OBs to enquire after their opinion on the quality of rendering of the 'Last Post' and 'Reveille' and always got the same answer, 'Good enough, but not as good as we were.' Life was ever thus, comments Ray ever considerate of his elders. The CSM's son, also named Jim Halsey, became a day boy, meaning he attended school and took part in sports activities but lived with his family.
Hancock, Mr Carl; HsM Marlborough; (c1970-88); Welsh; taught English at the school for 18 years; succeeded Ruchard Lee as HsM of Marlborough; Lee, in turn, had taken over from Jack Razz Clark; he retired to live in South Australia and is a published author writing under the psuedonym of Harry Atkins; after his term at the school he spent some years teaching in East Africa, having gone there temporarily to help out a headmaster friend who had been let down by another teacher, and ended up staying there for some years before moving to Australia.
Handford, Mr R.P. 'Boz' (c1951-?); retired and continued on staff as a civilian; taught chemistry; named 'Boz' after the first 'tanks' used at the Battle of Bosworth. HsM of Kitchener from 1963 until his death; ran the Stamp Club the swimming, lifesaving and water polo at a high standard; remained on staff as civilian following retirement; in the opinion of one informant, Boz Handford should never have been let loose among prepubescent boys; in the opinion of another who never recognized his darker side, he 'was a perfectly pleasant man; [Note: in 2004, 40 years having past, this same informant delivered a statement to HM Cummings, intended for the Chairman of the Board specifying the abuse he received as a child and duly received a polite note to the effect that the authorities could do nothing with regards to the allegation; the school's repudiation of the charges indicates that such behaviour remains a continuing problem to be addressed]; Boz Handford, a bachelor, lived in the officers' mess [location unspecified] and died of heart attack in 1967; Boz Handford;s funeral was held in the school chapel attended by the entire assembly.
Hare, Sgt. 'Bunny' AEC ( - 1963); as with Sgt 'Corny' Mays, last of NCO school masters
Harper, Sgt Hospital staff known as Doc Harper.
Harrison, Major 'Nick' RAEC, HsM Wolfe; along with Fred Page, ran the Archaeology Society in the late 50s and 60s; a pleasant man with a ready smile, who seemed genuinely interested in young people; he is understood to have recently died.
Harper, Sgt. 'Doc Harper'; medical orderly.
Haynes, D. Rev.; succeeded Medcalfe
Heath, Mr. M. 'Mike' also 'Ted Heath' (1959-c1965); excellent physics teacher; thought to have found the discipline severe and soon left for a better position elsewhere, a deputy headship; teaching methods including soaking a class with water while demonstrating a force pump; he left one student suspended next to the ceiling on a block and tackle when he discovered the student had hoiked himself ceiling-wards before the start of the lesson; five minutes into the lesson, he the class to 'Get him down.'
Hogarth, Capt. Cecil 'Cec' (soft C) RAEC (1960s); eccentric and erratic, pipe-smoking Latin teacher who never fully covered the curriculum, reported one that to get through his O levels he attended Fred Page's more systematic extra Latin classes; occupied a black hut opposite Haig; fond of marching back and forth in class, making boys conjugate verbs while beating his leather-covered swagger stick on desks; any mistake and the stick found its mark on the guilty head (source reports he still has a dent); reported as of fierce temperament with a sense of humour; at once liked and feared; quick bowler off the wrong foot for the White Rose Ramblers; renowned for hurling a blackboard erasure at anyone found nodding off, resulting in a few bloodied nappers; no one who was there will forget the case of John Finagin, always near the top of the class who finished translations with speed, then began reading a novel recently borrowed from the library; the book was new and, caught reading, he was made to bring the book to the front, whereupon the Captain theatrically ripped the volume down the spine, hollering at Finagin that the only books read in his class would be Latin books; the horrified Finagin could only say, 'Sir…but…but.. you can't do that; it's a library book' to which he was answered, 'No? Then watch this - you'll have some explaining to do to the librarian' and to astonishment of Finagin, opened the window and flung the two halve onto the roof opposite; Hogarth is also remembered for striding up and down the rows of desks dressed in his RAEC uniform and black gown, armed with his ruler, whacking the less gifted students who failed to recite the Latin correctly; an accomplished pianist, he had a heavy iron-frame upright piano in his classroom; on summer days, he had boys move the piano outside and lesson would assume a different look and feel; when coaching rugby, he would jump on top of the scrum if he thought the players weren't packing low enough for his liking; left in 1967 to teach at Chatham House School and believed to have later moved to Colorado Springs in the U.S. where he taught and entertained the community with piano performances.
Hole, Mr S.M.; school barber who cut everyone's hair; if a penny failed to drop into his open hand a boy received an 'all off' haircut. A penny dropped guaranteed something was left to comb through.
Hole, Mr 'Barney'; (1946); owned a barber's shop in Dover Town and became the school barber; making visits to the school on specific days to cut boys' hair in the clothing store. (See Unknown persons recalled for Barney's successors.)
Hole, Mr 'Gerry'; son of Barney Hole; joined the school as a pioneer on general duties; responsible for cleaning the chapel and officers mess; also served as school messenger
Hopkinson, Mr G. or J. 'Jeff' 'Beery' (1959-1970); HsM Wolseley; succeeded Burgess teaching metalwork and may well have taught engineering drawing, woodwork and metalwork; last heard of retired and living on the Dover Sea Front, renowned for shouting 'Rip saw! Rip Saw!'; ex-RN boxing chamption, but regarded by another as vicious for whacking miscreants across the knuckles with the esge of steel ruler.
Hoseason, Mr. Medic who supervised the daily sick parade and operated the dispensary.
Howell, Col. Lloyd RAEC: HM; reformer. a conscientious enthusiast, he did much to treat us more as adults tho I don't think he appreciated dissent - his wife did, and was encouraging when Lloyd risked a sense of humour failure. On the one hand he picked me out for preferment, on the other, we had a run in. It was about his notion for a rugby 7 aside cup to be run in our free time. As Head of Clive, I was appalled in principle and because I was the only 1st XV rugby player Clive had. I was lectured about how much he personally gave of his free time. I couldn't help myself, the words wouldn't stay in; 'but sir, you're paid to do the job!' Ballistic is an underestimate. And yet, and yet, we met by chance in Oxford at the theatre (he had taken the Shrivenham job and lived nearby) and he invited me to his home; his wife was terminally ill with cancer; they were wonderful hosts, very relaxed; he apologised about the education we got at DYS, but I said, no need, it was at the least good meat and two veg and had done me no harm, but he and Uffers(?) did a good job on me with history; that said, he had a terrible complex about Oxbridge, believing we could not, any of us, be good enough (because he'd had to settle for Durham, or was it Liverpool, he would say, because his family couldn't afford the Oxford fees); when by chance, at St Catherine's I discovered that the new history don was a Dukie from the 50s (with plenty of hairy stories about life then), or rather, he identified me, we talked about JC and got him invited onto top table to discuss sending pupils in; his keyboard skills on organ and piano were out of this world, his improvisational skill remarkable; his music mate in school was so unlikely - Cec Hogarth; they got on at the keyboard like a house on fire; I know James Jones has said that CD kept him sane at DYS by giving him the key to his house so he could go there whenever he needed to escape; CD's elder brother was the distinguished judge Lord Edmund Davies; CD also drove and restored Rover cars.
Hughes, J.B. Capt. 'Hug'; (mid to late 1960s); possibly taught history.
Hughes, Sgt., Master tailor
Hunt, WOI, AEC (c1939-45); English and history; as one reporter commented, 'Everybody recalls our first and last WO1.
Hunt, Mr; master shoemaker; occupied the last hut on the left side of the large asphalt square.
Hurley, Sgt Stephen; (c1832); an early sergeant schoolmaster at the RMA teaching by the Madras monitorial system dismissed for false representation of teaching credentials, remembered in the annals for petitioning the C-in-C (Lord Hill at the time) and having an impressive crime sheet that recorded a catalogue of times spent in various black holes in Gibraltar, finally being dismissed from the Army.
RSM D. Haig |
Capt. R. P.. Handford |
Mr M. Heath |
Capt. C. Hogarth |
Mr G. Hopkinson |
Jackson, Major D. 'Don', HsM Wolfe (1956-1963); remembered for his luxuriant moustache and gleaming bald dome with a fringe of hair over his ears who walked like a Yorkshire farmer, a gait that is no further explained; could be a bully when he lost his temper, but not as bad as some teachers.
Johnson, Mr N.R. 'Ben'; Asst. HsM Wellington; taught English, ex-Dukie nicknamed Moles in his day (Latin for 'large, shapeless mass); also known as Ben, which could have cannoection to Ben Johnson (1572-1637), Renaissance Dramatist, Playwright, and Poet; the latter day Ben regarded as a 'new age teacher' and one of the best in his day. When he gave a sermon in chapel, everyone listened, on one occasion, too avidly it seems, for his discourse was about the boys themselves when he quoted Lenin's speech about the change in attitude among boys as they grow and mature. When they leave their teens, they become angry young men with communist ideals, which become conservative when they reach middle age. One writer wrote of reflecting on this teacher's sermon many times in his life. Ben was the drama teacher and staged many shows: Oliver, HMS Pinafore, Fiddler on the roof, Jesus Christ Superstar. One recalls Reb Teyy's nightmare scene in Fiddler for which many playing 'ghosts' decided not to take stage and recalls Ben later blowing his top: instead of 15 ghosts, only four turned up on stage. Ben Johnson is remembered with genuine affection, a teacher deeply respected and admired by all.
Johnson, Capt. E. 'Eric' aka Ben RAEC (1959-1970); Wolseley; well-liked biology teacher who liked the company of children and young people although this was not a universal opinion, one respondent described having been laid low by a blow on the jaw; rarely worked from a syllabus; noted for losing class exercise books taken away for marking; often failed to turn up for his class lesson; frequently regaled the class with accounts of his time as a trainee hill farmer and witnessing Scots shepherds castrating lambs with their teeth (he would mime the action, drawing an illustration on the chalkboard to indicate the best place to bite the seminal chord; reported to be a great drinking partner of Charles Connell with whom he wrote Aphrodisiacs in your garden; not to be confused with near namesake F. Johnstone at one's peril; fondly remembered as a wit and comedian as in his definition of a hormone as 'a low cry from a house of ill-repute' that boys remembered well, but at the time did not understand.
Jolly, Mr; (1955-1063); HsM Clive; taught biology; later became headmaster of Atlantic College; considered a radical and achieving celebrity status for reportedly saying that masturbation was natural behaviour.
Jones, P.N. RSM 'Spra' aka 'Whacker' (1934-1959); a veteran of WWI with a thunderous voice that commanded the attention even of the CSMs; both feared and respected by the boys; present daily in the dining hall to make announcements, he would roar 'Duke of York's' when he was through; on this signal the entire assembly rose to its feet to hear the chief school prefect to say grace at the lectern; RSM Jones would then holler 'Duke of York's' at which everyone seated himself folded his arms behind his back - discipline was the watchword of the day - after which the RSM called 'orderlies' and three orderlies from each table went collect containers of food for their table from the kitchen; the RSM supervised Saturday afternoon defaulters parade; this took the form of drill and fatigues such as weeding the parade square; the area outside of the dining hall was a favourite place for the work of defaulters; 'Whacker' Jones's duty was to administer corporal punishment awarded by the Commandant; one source offered a personal experience by way of illustrating the form corporal punishment took:
'One morning in 1949 when I was about 13 I couldn't resist taking a long run and skating the length of the highly-polished assembly hall floor in my hob-nailed boots. I almost knocked over Mr Connell, the English teacher, just leaving a classroom. He sent me straightway to RSM Jones in the admin offices and he, in turn, made out a charge of hooliganism. Marched quick time into the presence of Commandant Barnwell, I was found guilty as charge and awarded 'six of the best'. Whacker Jones summoned CSM Fry. Bending over, I put my head between his legs and his knees locked me tight, thus preventing me from lurching up whilst RSM Jones landed six strokes of the cane on my backside. Despite this, I liked Spra Jones. He was kind and proud man, underneath that bluff military regimentation. He got the best drill out of us for the Sunday morning church parades and annual Grand Day parade. Look at his troubled face in the 1937 Pathe newsreel of the toy soldiers rehearsal when the boy who fainted is carried off.'
Others have testified to the nature of RSM Jones, who confessed to an OB once that he loathed punishing a boy with strokes and often retired to his office and wept. Another OB spoke of Spra Jones as a man of giant stature until, in 2003 when visiting the school with his son he saw a photograph of the RSM taken in 1940 handing in the post office and realised the RSM had in fact been a short man, yet with a big heart.
Jones, Sgt. AEC; Taught maths.
Justice J. CSM 'Pop' of Haig (c1930s to 1950s); the epitome of a WWI Sgt Major, a big man, beery-faced with an upper lip sprouting a fierce moustache with ends twisted and waxed into spikes; loud of voice, blustering and of satanic appearance to any 10 year old boy, but gentle and considerate to any boy with a problem; with his sister-in-law, Mollie Brown, he received all newchies into Haig House and shepherded them for their first three months; following this induction newchies were assigned to a one of the other seven houses, each specialising in a particular trade or calling such as the band, the drum, fife and bugle corps, signals, tailoring and cobbling; Pop and Mollie seemed to have been fashioned by the Almighty for their task, for they were perfect foster parents; after completing his time in Haig, every boy looked forward to going to his new house, but probably with a tinge of sadness at parting from Pop and Mollie, who, kindly souls, would ease the parting by inviting all to visit them if they should feel lonely; loud and blustering as he was, Pop Justice never directed his censure at a single boy, but the whole house; if a boy had to be singled out it wasn't with a shout, but a terrifying stare with his disapproving, gimlet eyes, like those of a well-trained sheepdog; like a sheep dog, he knew his eyes were enough; no snapping or biting necessary; Frank Hartry is reminded of Pop whenever faced with an image of Joseph Stalin; during his time, CSM Justice had sole charge of Haig whereas every other house had an RAEC housemaster in residence; he occupied in the married quarters attached to the H block [before housemasters were introduced, CSMs occupied the married quarters of house H-blocks]; John Justice also supervised the use of small arms at the firing ranges; Frank remembers his old SM as a man with a huge sense of humour; once, struggling to pull a shirt over his head, someone tickled him and Frank let fly with a stream of expletives as a ten-year-old can is wont to do; with his shirt off, he was confronted by the grinning face of his CSM; the incident was the talk of his dormitory for days and ever afterwards, the CSM Justice grinned knowingly when their paths crossed; the time of his passing nor of his regimental life before the Dukies is know; however, Ray Pearson often visited Mollie after she retired to a Convent in Bristol and listened to her reminiscing over tea and cakes about her time at the School; may these two kind souls be at peace.
Mr Ben Johnson |
Capt. E. Johnson |
RSM P, N. Jones |
Capt. J. Kerswell
Kaulfuss, WOII, AEC Taught maths.
Kerswell, Capt. R.J. (1963-1970) RAEC; taught physics
Knaggs, Major, RAEC; HM Roberts (1961);
Knight, W.A.Y. Colonel (1863-1969); MO; 'Whistling Willie', because he couldn't; believed to suffer from Parkinsons Disease and betrayed tremors; source reports being terrified with abcess on his hand; Whistling Willie with shaking hand said he'd have to lance the offending obstruction; when grasping the scalpel, amazingly, all shaking stopped, to start again when writing a sick chit.
Knowler, SM 'Nobby'(1965-?); succeeded Jan Fry as assistant bandmaster, i/c B Division. |
Major Knaggs |
Lanfear, Mr Pete 'Lugs'; Kitchener; sub-Lt RN Reserve; nicknamed for identical appendages of Prince Charles; taught English, French and German; first of the language masters to use the language laboratories built in 1965-6; well-liked and happily married; ran the sailing club; also in charge of arduous training, a sort of military outbound activity; well-liked and able to relate to pupils in a mature, friendly and encouraging way; left (c1968).
Lee, Capt. R.C. (1958-c1960s); 'Sydney Mincing' (from nasal voice), RAEC; posted to another station and later returned a major to take over from Jack Clark as HsM of Kitchener; described by one correspondent as a 'cold fish', who had marrige problems; reported to have owned a minature dog, thought to be a Pinscher and said to be a perfect match for his master, described as 'a most unpleasant' man to whom many a Nazi epithet was applied; germane to Lee's bio was an equally unpleasant member of staff, the Rev. Davies, Anglican Chaplain (who does not appear in these staff bios for reasons already stated) described as a 'grudge-bearing sod' who reported the correspondent for jumpting into puddles; for this misdemeanour, Major Lee delivered a brutal thrashing and had the mescreant's mother travel from a 'great distance' to reduce her to tears with fierce criticism of her 12 year old son, a gross discourtest remembered with disgust for the humiliation she suffered, [an unheard of treatment in the days of the rule by the CSMs, this is another case of bullying that would justify the charge of child abuse in contemporary society - see also the entry for Major T.G. Sherry OBE.] The same correspondent recalls his Dukie experience as a time of bullying from his fellows as well as some members of staff; he still has a deep sense of guilt for not defendng the School's 'first black boy', whose father was deceased, and a boy of the Jewish faith, both set upon by bullies.
Legg, Major aka 'Mr Peg Legge' RAEC; Hsm Clive during the mid1960s; taught geography; big ears, well-liked and possessed of a good sense of humour; had a tatty foolscap-sized notebook from which he dictated every lesson; specialty in teaching boys how to colour maps; coached under 15 rugby XV and remembered for yelling encouragement on the rugby field, 'Hit him between wind and water!'; reported by one to have kicked boy Mike Garner to the ground; Garner had flicked a paper pellet while Legg's back was turned as he wrote on the blackboard; the attack was said to be 'totally out of proportion' by a witness sitting two rows behind Garner who witnessed the entire incident.
Lett, QMSI 'Phil' (later 50s, 60s); took over from Beestie Beetson as PT instructor; had a pronounced Warwickshire accent; his son David is believed to have became a Dukie.
Leverton, E. QMSI, 'Ted'; joined the school in 1946 at Dover; ret. qbout 1957; taught gymnastic exercises; good at all sports; retired to become a sports groundsman and take charge of the sports store; remembered by the many prefects he invited to watch the annual university match on his early b/w television. He finally retired to settle in Dover.
Lewis, F. Sgt 'Fred'or 'Frank' AEC (1941-1945); a graduate from the Sorbonne and considered to be a 'brilliant' teacher; taught French and instilled in more than one pupil a strong love of the language.
Ley, Mr Walter; (1946-1949); came from the Village of Croyde when the school returned to Dover and served as a storeman for three years before returing to Croyde in Devon.
Lowndes, Sgt. (1947);
Lowry, CSM; Wolfe and, for a time, perhaps Marlborough as well; specialised in teaching military subjects such as field craft; prepared and tested boys for their A and B certificates; a quiet man with a dry sense of humour especially directed at any boy who gave a wrong answer to a question.
Lusby, SM; Wellington; in charge of training of military subjects including fieldcraft; tested boys for qualification in certificates A and B in fieldcraft. He was also in charge of the B and C Division Drums.
Luton, Mr Henry; HsM Wellington about 1973 after 'Golly' Robertson; taught physics; Ex-Royal New Zealand Navy; a decent man, but never particularly tliked by the boys; in the late seventies, his wife told this reporter that he'd resigned his HsM because the boys would just not accept him; his correct name believed tp be Wyn.
Mr P. Lanfear |
Capt. R. C. Lee |
Major Legge |
Mabley, Mr; taught art 'in a class of his own' when it came to brutishness as with Lee and Blower; reported as the only teacher who regularly inflicted punishment in the classroom unlike Lee (see entry) who inflicted corporal punishment as an assistant HsM, but not in the classroom; one reported 'We didn't dread Lee's French lessons nearly as must as Mabley's Art lessons; he was a definite 'brute'.
Marshall, Mr; MOW engineer, maintained the estate and lived in Frith Cottage on the Guston Road.
Marsh, H. Mr 'Boggy' (1963-1969); taught geology; described as a wonderful man and teacher; further described by one respondent as ' a sea of ambivalence and cruelty, he and some few others, was an oasis of kindness and inspiration.
Mathison D. SM (David) (1872-1896); was admitted to the RMA in 1838 on the same day as his elder brother John. David was six years of age at the time, his brother John was eight; both left the school when they were 14, volunteering for service in their father's corps, the Sappers and Miners, which later became the Royal Engineers; he attended Kneller Hall - probably his brother, too, although this can't be certain; the details of his military career is unknown, but he probably attended Kneller Hall a second time to get the training he needed to become a bandmaster; he joined the RMA in 1972 after retiring and gave the school 14 years of his time as bandmaster of the Asylum band.
May, C. Sgt 'Charles', 'Corny' (1941-1949) AEC Haig (Sgt. May was one of the last schoolmaster sergeants of the AEC); good English teacher, although he had a foul temper; reporter recalls that Sgt May struck him rather harder than he probably meant to, for which the fellow in question expresses forgiveness; under the Nye reforms, May was attached to Wellington and got on well with the boys under his care.
Meatyard, WOII; AEC; schoolmaster; taught English.
Metcalfe, Rev. DSO, MC 'Chappos', 'Fruity'; exceedingly popular; was later appointed asst. Chaplain General in various commands; died in 1984 and appears in the Daily Telegraph "Book of Military Obituaries"; highly regarded for his year-round swimming when at Saunton Sands and joining in on training for running the marathon.
Miller, SM 'Dusty'; senior gym instructor; of short stature, pug-nosed with cauliflower ears, Dusty Miller was at one time been lightweight boxing champion of the British Army; an expert gymnast, he supervised work on the 'horse', the 'mat', 'ropes' and 'bars'; a boy was never known to suffer an injury under his supervision; he also managed boxing bouts and fights between boys sent to him by other members of staff to settle differences; combatants were fitted with extra-large gloves to make sure no one suffered injury; he was widely known for instructing boys how to fold and tuck the tails of their shirts between their legs before pulling up their trousers; neither an obsession nor fetish on Dusty Miller's part, long shirt tails could be a problem on parade or on route marches, for they rode up small bodies and caused discomfort; SM Miller had worked this out over the years and figured a way to help boys dress themselves properly; many remember receiving this SM's sound advice; the sand dunes at Saunton Sands being mined were therefore out of bounds and required an SM to make sure no adventurous soul entered the restricted area; sand dune duty often fell to Dusty Miller's lot, so at a lunchtime he would announce, 'It's my dooty to keep you boys out of the doons' and someone would say 'What? Even on Toosdays, Dusty?' and he would reply, ''Corse! Them mines are still on the doons on toosdays.'; he never never twigged boys were pulling his leg. Those who recall the ultra-military aspect of school life will recall the era of flogging by cane, administered by the RSM. The offender's head was gripped between the legs of the duty CSM, who gripped and pulled the short, khaki trousers tight. RSM Whacker Jones whirled the six-foot long cane in the air to make a swishing noise and the victim know what was coming. Then came the thwack! Punishmant was invariably administered in the small hall outside the adjutant's office. One day, apparently, Dusty Miller witnessed this rigmarole and, being the man he was, went for the RSM because, legend has it, he believed Jones derived pleasure from administering such flogging. Soon after the alleged incident, Miller was posted to the RMC, Sandhurst. The tale is hearsay, but it is plausible. The administration of corporal punishment became more general and widespread when the RAEC took over as housemasters (e.g. see Major T.C. Sherry, OBE)
Moorse, Mr A. J. 'Alan' 'Dotty Morse' (all dots and dashes), noted for a high forehead; his specialty was languages; taught German; also in charge of Signals and so enthusiastic on that subject his class learned precious little German; taught French, too, and regarded as clever; had a degree in physics, was a Royal Signals Major in the CCF, and later enlisted in the RAEC; ran a fully-automated telephone exchange and radio ham club to talk to people in China and the Soviet Union to the enthusiasm of a coterie of boys who shunned the sports field; regarded as a 'good man' for giving boys free rein in the communications centre; a pleasant teacher, but not considered entirely stable as a result of a difficult home life.
Murphy, Fr; Parish priest from Dover who, with Fr. Doyle took mass and confession.
Murray Sgt. AEC (1940-1945); conscript; pre-WWII soccer player for Scottish team.
SM D. Mathison |
SM Miller |
Mr A. J. Moorse |
Mr D.A.W. Nimmo
Newell, Mrs Camilla; Matron of Clive House; resigned in 1991 as reported in The Daily Mail following a scandal involving boys in the swimming pool. |