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Books & Militaria
Books on military subjects, technical writing and children’s stories - offered for sale.
---- Rare Militaria Books - Rare books offered for sale

Contact A.W.Cockerill - Questions or comments on this site are welcome.

Correspondence received at this site and answered, mostly concerning the Duke of York's and Royal Hibernian School histories - Table of Contents

Duke of York Royal Military School
Historical records, notes and statistical data relating to the Duke of York’s Royal Military School and its predecessor institution, the Royal Military Asylum (1803-1892) - Table of Contents

Related Links
Links to related web sites.

Publications: Articles, papers and reports; Corporate Management
Published articles and notes from A. W. Cockerill’s international journal - Table of Contents

Royal Hibernian Military School
Historical records, notes and statistical data relating to the... Table of Contents

Reminiscences of a Queen's Army Schoolmistress – being the memoirs of Dorothy Mabel Bottle (c1886-1943) who taught the children of army personnel in overseas stations from about 1905 to 1935.

U.S. veterans and service personnel – a complimentary introduction to a privately-owned and operated site of interest to U.S. service personnel who wander on to this website seeking information.

World War 1 - the War to end all wars
The Mavor collection is two bound volumes of correspondence, reports and military orders collected and collated by Dr. James Mavor, former Professor of political economy of Toronto University. The correspondence covers a narrow period of the First World War, abbreviated WWI, from August 1914 to September 1915 and covers a wide range of operations in the conflict. Table of Contents

Duke of York's Royal Military School
Introduction - Duke of York's Royal Military School
1793 Saving the life of York
1801-48 News Reports
1803-15 Admissions and discharges
1803-80 Admissions Ledgers
1803-92 Early History
1803-92 Early Images
1814 Miss Corporal
King's German Legion
1815-21 Cotton Weavers
1821 QMG Report
1826 Colonel Pasley's complaint
1838 Indentured Apprentices
1841-51 Census Records
1846 The Corps of Army Schoolmasters
1848 Children's Assets
1849 Adjutant W. Siborne
1850 Good Conduct Medal
1850 Good Conduct Medal II
1852 Crime and punishment
1856The sins of Pte Enos Smith
1865 Professors of Music
1873 Religion
1880 Morris painting
1880 Artist at work
1888 Professor A. J. Phasey
1899 Summary of reports on army educ'n
1895 George William Hanna, MM
1897 New Colours
1897 Temperance Medals
1898 Bidgood's March
1901 Centenary year
1904 Corporal punishment
1908 Public Plea
1909 Prince of Wales
1910 Demolishing the RMA
1913 Tableau Vivant
1914 An unsung hero
1924 Hibernian Colours
1927 Company names
1928 Olympia
1932 Dawson recording
1939 Army Eductaion Corps
1940 Radio towers on the cliffs
1940 Retreat to Dunkirk
1940 George Cecil Gardiner
1942 Saunton Sands
1943 Sinking of the Marnix
1946 Return to Dover
1947 School in 1947
1953 Debroy Somers
1954 True Confessions
1955 Nick of the River
1956 Sesquicentennial year
1965 Monitors and prefects
1967 General Nye
1978 Dictionary of slang
1996 The Soldier boy - review
2001 The end of an era
2002 My Children
2003 Envelope
2003 Reminiscences
2004 Archival Material
2004 Public Records
2005 Downunder August Newsletter
2005 Voices from the past
2005 Morris seeing red
2006 In memoriam
2007 World Cup Archery

Royal Hibernian Military School
Introduction to the Royal Hibernian Military School
1769 Petition to His Majesty King George III Dated 18 April 1769
1806 Pay and Allowances of the Several Officers, Assistants, and Servants
1806 Form of the Visiting Governor's Report for the Week-Ending
1806 Time Table to be Observed by the Boys
1819 The Charter
1819 Diet Table for the Children
1819 Duty of the Several Officers, Assistants and Servants
1819 Some General Regulations
1844 Return of Religions

1849 S.S. Pemberton Orphanage List 
1856 School Inspector Gleig
1857 To China in 9 Months and 7 Ships
1873 Religion - Also in Duke of York
1900 Review at Phoenix Park
1918 Lost Boys
1919 Roll of Honour The Great War 1914-1918
1919 Father of Hibs Recollects (1851-1854)
1919 Lives of the Hibernians
Chapter 1 - The Hibernian Society (1764-1769)
Chapter 2 - In the beginning (1770-1815)
Chapter 3 - The Pemberton Orphan Ship
Chapter 4 - Hibernians remembered (1869-1922)
1922 Last cricket match
A soldier's orphan's story
1924 Laying up the Colours
1969 The last of the Royal Hibernians
1994 Capt. Harry Bloomer MBE
2001 IGS No.25 History
2004 Newsletter

2005 Last of the Hibernians

Publications: Articles, papers and reports
Child Soldiers and small weapons of mass destruction
Canadian Boy Soldiers

Publications: Corporate management
Foreign domination
Anatomy of the corporate takeover
Whose continental resources did you say?
Untying the Gordian Knot - Canadian style
International corporatism

Publications: Articles, Papers and reports 2
On public rights of way here and there (Cobourg)
Cobourg - now and then
Death in the market, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia An execution in Saudi Arabia.
Dongo Busting East African Safari Rally
Driving through the Sinai Desert
Encounter on the Limuru road
Executive Job Interview
Halifax Gun
Havana Work Gang
Honey Pot Men of South Stockton
Interview with Ahmad Hussain al-Ghasmi Interview in Sanaa, Yemen.
Jack Nissen and WWII Radar Jack Nissen and WWII radar technology.
Labrador power development Hydro-power project in Labrador.
A Life Lived Constable Sarah Anne Cockerill (1961-2001) RCMP.
Luncheon at Westminster Abbey
Maintenance mathematics Costs and cost saving in maintenance.
Patriot Games Canadian Style Business contacts gather information.
Recruited to the Intelligence Corps
St George's day in Kampala
Trappers of Labrador
Uneventful Apprenticeship
What industry wants...industry gets The influence of business on education.

Wellington on Waterloo
De Lancey Disposition
Wellington's deception - page 1
Wellington's deception - page 2
Wellington's deception - page 3
Wellington's deception - page 4
Wellington's deception - page 5
Wellington's deception - page 6 - Conclusions
Wellington's deception - page 7 - Footnotes

Correspondence Home
March 2007
February 2007
January 2007
December 2006
November 2006
October 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
June 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
January 2006
December 2005
November 2005
August 2005
July 2005
June 2005
May 2005
April 2005
March 2005
February 2005
May 2004
Jan-April 2004

World War I -The war to end all wars
Mrs. Alfred E. Mavor – Mrs. Mavor takes flight
Midshipman Williams - Letters to his mother
Lieutenant McCarthy RN - Letters to friends and relatives
Officer of the Royal Fusiliers BEF- on the retreat from Mons
Private Paul Rochat, French Infantry - Extracts from his journal
Officers of the BEF -Extracts of letters on the retreat from Mons
The Earl of Kingston - Letter to an acquaintance
Wounded NCO of the French Army - Letter written from his bed
Lieutenant Lloyd C of the Black Watch - Letter to his father
Captain F.W. Godsal, POW - Extract of letter printed in the Toronto Star
Lieut. Otto M. Lund, Royal Horse Artillery - Letters to his mother and aunt
Lieutenant Arthur L. Bishop, Manchester Regt. - Letters to his family
Canadian privates of the BEF - Letters to Bank Manager of CIBC, London
F.L. Wanklyn - Letter to Prof. Mavor regarding son service in the RFC
Quaker lady in London - Letter to Pte Billy Goode on the Western Front
Captain J.S. Pringle, British Army - Letter to a female family in Toronto
Captain Gordon Ramsay, Cameron Highlanders -Letters to his father
An officer of The Royal Dragoons - Letter to an unknown recipient
Lieutenant W. Mavor, 49th Highlanders - Letters to Prof. Mavor
Dr. Edward Robertson, Surgeon - Letters to family in Toronto
Lieutenant H.V. Routh, Royal Field Artillery - Letter to a friend
Lieutenant Trumbull Warren, 48th Highlanders - Letters to his family
Rumours and perceptions - Mavor family and Superintendent of Hospital
Captain A.K. Haywood, Surgeon - Letter to colleague in Toronto
Brigadier H.S. Watts, 21st Infantry Brigade - Address to troops
Captain Agar Adamson, PPCLI - Letters to his wife
German Brigade and Regimental Orders - Tables of work to field units
Pte (?) P. Schoeler, French Army - Letter to acquaintance in Toronto
Major E.T. Morrison-Bell MP, POW - Letters to his wife
Letters of Sub-Lieutenant Douglas Alexander Hardy Nelles, RNAS


Delta Tech Systems Inc


  Duke of York's Royal Military School
Royal Hibernian Military School
The Fulthorpe Children's War
World War I - The war to end all wars
Books and Militaria

Publications and Papers
Wellington on Waterloo
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© A. W. Cockerill 2005

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